CONTEST: Free swingarm plate mount

(Chromed-n-Stretched @ Jun. 14 2007,20:flamethrowing:) Here is another.

I'm usually not much of a neon fan but that is nice.

Since I'm going to need paint at some point I've been thinking about trying that satin look some of the Kawasaki bikes have.

Hey wait a minute! I was actually thinking you had it!!! I'm as serious as death though, your bike is without a question the best looking bike I have seen on this board. PERIOD. I even have it in my favorites folder. I actually don't even HAVE a plate on my bike right now and that liscence plate mount is EXACTLY what I am looking for. *hint hint*
(CouchRocket @ Jun. 15 2007,14:32) Hey wait a minute! I was actually thinking you had it!!! I'm as serious as death though, your bike is without a question the best looking bike I have seen on this board. PERIOD. I even have it in my favorites folder. I actually don't even HAVE a plate on my bike right now and that liscence plate mount is EXACTLY what I am looking for. *hint hint*  

a bikini shot might persuade me...
LOL! j/k

Alright PanDeM1c,

I just wanted to get a couple out there to ya...I've got to go back into my pics and pull a few more out this weekend..I'll post up a few more later...thanks so much for the opportunity bro..made my own license plate holder out of carbon fiber (installed on my bike now)...I'll post up a pic just so you can see it..came up with my own mold and everything, then did the layup and cured it--turned out pretty good for my first try. It is strong (12 layers thick) and has been about 160 mph so far...would sure love to get that one you have though- that thing has "bling" all over it!!! It would feel right at home on my "Thunder-n-Lightnin'." Thanks bud...

So many great photographs!!!

Keep posting!

Do not think you can't win! Hey... anyone can!!!

On Monday night I'll pick those that will go on to the next round.... to be judged by this entire site!!! Then, we'll have a winner. I've seen so many great shots that I'm almost (almost) speechless.... but I wanna see more.

Again... I'm judging the photo, not the busa!!!

And... members will ultimately choose the winner.