Cop shoots unarmed Iraq veteran

I never watch News [or TV anymore] for EXACTLY this reason. Had this NOT been video taped, it would not be a nation wide problem for everyone to throw their two cents of judgement in. It would have been just another incident that we NEVER knew about, the cop would be reprimended, the victim would be fixed up in teh hospital and life would go on. But no. Thanks once again to our wonderful technology, everyone's issues and problems can become everyone ELSE's issues and problems.

Yes, the cop made a mistake. Last I checked, police still used human beings, and human beings make mistakes... and that is okay. It's when we STOP allowing human's to make mistakes, that NONE OF US will be human any longer. I'm not gonna defend anyone on either side of the gun. Maybe the police man was insane. Maybe the victim started to pull a gun. Maybe he reached for the cop while getting up. Let he without mistakes cast the first stone. I dropped my rock and walked
Didn't figure it would take anyone long to put that up here.. Just gonna give a few opinions cause this one is gonna get out of hand.. 1. We was not there so we don't know 100% what happened . 2. Is they ran from the cops .3. I'm sure he wasn't wearing full uniform dress so the cop new that he was a vet.4. 3 means nothing if he was breaking the law.. I have friends and family that are cops and i will be the first to tell you that i would not do there job..Don't get paid enough for all the BS that you have to put up with and now you have sue happy people everywhere trying to make a quick buck , And all the ones putting them down (cop Bashers ) are the first ones that call crying for help when someone is breaking in there house or hurting them.. Not saying there isn't bad cops but i guarantee there is more good cops then bad and all this does is make there job harder....
I agree with the first two posts, not going to take the bait and not casting stones here. The video doesn't look that clear to me, it is too dark. What is amazing to me is that it seems that everytime the police pull people over there are 50 video cameras recording what is happening. Myself, I have better things to do than to worry about what the police are doing outside. The sad thing is if it was gang bangers shooting up the neighborhood, no ne would have recorded anything and when the police showed up no one would have seen anything. Going to be interesting to see this one play out...
Maybe a clearer vid will surface,that one is shid,either way,he's gone.I feel for his family.:(