Here is a good cop story.

No simple response can be made on this.

Putting myself as a juror in her DUI case....

From GET GO she had zero respect or apparently ability to recognize reality. Article for those that didn't read it states she had hit and run from initial scene a vehicle than hit two others driving away. Police didn't stop her they found her parked engine off over a huge visible curb which again she prolly didn't feel. He told her several times get back in the car. Instead she made a call and stood outside talking to someone more important than him. From her previous actions and words it is apparent she's wasted. Wasted people do stupid stuff like ignoring simple orders from a cop. I think he then said F it I'm done and went to make her comply. The curb does seem to have a place in this as later in video you can see how tall it actually is when he goes back to far and steps over it a few times. More than a lip for sure. I watched it many times and unfortunately I couldn't stop laughing long enough to concentrate but it does seem that had the curb not been there she would have just spun and been up on car quickly as he wanted. But she stumpled and face planted. It is actually a good thing she was wasted because the faceplant didn't even phase her. It would have put a sober person in the hospital. Instead she bounced off it like most drinks do in accidents. So relaxed they bounce around and walk away. Later she's asking who's house that is? Still totally incoherent. That could have been one of any of our families at intial accident as well as in other two cars as well as the hundred she drove by before parking on the curb. I have zero tolerance for drunks who drive.
GUILTY as charged. License ban for at least?, well a very long time. She should be made to attend the scene of at least ten other DUI accidents while sober to see the full reality of what happens and the aftermath. Pay a mega fine to some org or something? And gimme me a bit I'll come back with more...

Myself as a juror on his case because nobody mentioned here yet he was fired and ARRESTED for assault.
Again most of what I said above applies to this as well but I can only wonder about his forgetting the curb.
It seems he got caught up in subduing her and forgot the tall curb they were standing on? Being an armchair quarterback he should have I guess gotten ahold of her and brought her over to his car maybe on the hood and cuffed her? But her tried to spin her there and she faceplanted. To ones who say smartly 'oh yeah he being 200lbs should be scared of her at 100lbs'. He should women half her size have killed cops before. Size has nothing to do with it if she had whipped out a pistol or a big kitchen knife. So he had every right to do what he did after her neglecting his commands. Had she done what he said from the go she could have rested easily in the car like he told her. I see the video as a learning tool for him and others on what to do and what not to do. Fire him over this? No. Arrest him? No.

But there is one comment on the article page. I couldn't copy text so I snapped a screenshot.

If this is true than maybe he should have been dismissed? If not I think its a police chief instantly and over reacting before the video went viral as they do now protecting his on hide. I do think there's more to the story though. Something like 'we won't charge you with DUI or fleeing scene and will fire him if you don't file a complaint and sue us for Bazillions' :please:
now that comment makes this all make much more sense to me as i said earlier there has to be more to it. I wouldnt fire him off of JUST this. If that comment is true then it was obviously time to get him off the streets as an officer.
Blanca. I am NO WAY suggesting that the woman should not face justice for her stupidity. Nor do I question if the cop was correct in pulling her over. I hope she goes down hard for her actions. But the cop may have enabled her to walk from this due to his actions.

And I don't know where the AT&T screenshot came from, but I may just decide to pull his records and see if the comments are valid. Easy enough to do.
Blanca. I am NO WAY suggesting that the woman should not face justice for her stupidity. Nor do I question if the cop was correct in pulling her over. I hope she goes down hard for her actions. But the cop may have enabled her to walk from this due to his actions.

And I don't know where the AT&T screenshot came from, but I may just decide to pull his records and see if the comments are valid. Easy enough to do.

Other than out of fear of useless persecution I saw no reason for him to get fired. She ignored him, he tried to gain control of her, she stumbles and face plants. Had he whipped out a club and hit her than I would agree yes it seems he wanted to hit her. But when he spun her I don't think he meant for her to stumble and faceplant. That was an accident as a result of his actions, no intent.

The screenshot came from one of the comments linked in article. Click comments and you'll see it.
She resisted by ignoring several verbal commands. I think he meant to get her up against the car in order to cuff her and she stumbled (because she's a dumb drunk stripper) which is why she faceplanted. Him grabbing her hair I don't like. I can see why he did it, but it just looks bad. Hair pull takedowns are taught in training. They are effective and result in no injury. Pulling someone UP by the hair, although effective and non-injurious, still looks bad.

I could see him being suspended at most, but that's it. His firing may also have even been a politcal move for the police chief. He probably knew full well that citizens like Tall Tom would eat this up like candy. If you think that in the future he won't be looking at other higher paying chief jobs, city manager jobs, etc, think again. Like it or not, most chiefs forgot long ago how to be a cop and are now politicians. It is what it is.
Oh and the comment on his past. Who knows. Ever read youtube comments? News article comments? Talking out of one's ass doesn't even begin to describe the verbage spewed by some people in these type of comments. Now, the comment COULD be true, but for now I'm skeptical.
Oh and the comment on his past. Who knows. Ever read youtube comments? News article comments? Talking out of one's ass doesn't even begin to describe the verbage spewed by some people in these type of comments. Now, the comment COULD be true, but for now I'm skeptical.

I'm always skeptical of anonymous postings as wel.l Kind of like the officer here that states he makes $60/hr before overtime. But I think I'll pull the cop's records and post them up, to see if the comment stems from the truth.

Regardless of what you like or don't like about the cops boss, he was a cop that is now a cop's boss. You don't make chief by being a dumba**. If he believed his man was right, he'd be defending him. But you do become a fired cop by being one.
Sometimes I wonder how I keep myself from getting booted when I read some of these idiot comments. Sad how a seemingly harmless lady takes a shot to the face like that (although it would have never happened if she wasn't out risking the lives of yours and my family). If she would have killed one of our kids or family members; or if that seemingly harmless lady would have pulled a weapon and fired on the PO; this would be a totally different post. My guess is that if we replace the lady with a big dumb bruiser, most of these comments would be much different (kinda like the comments everyone made when the idiot ran over the officers foot when the officer was issuing him a ticket). As I recall, most of you were laughing/joking at that guy who got slammed (why the different reaction? which I am sure some of you will try justifying). Different officers/people are going to react and handle these situations differently. Frustrating when idiots try stereotyping PO's.
Sometimes I wonder how I keep myself from getting booted when I read some of these idiot comments. Sad how a seemingly harmless lady takes a shot to the face like that (although it would have never happened if she wasn't out risking the lives of yours and my family). If she would have killed one of our kids or family members; or if that seemingly harmless lady would have pulled a weapon and fired on the PO; this would be a totally different post. My guess is that if we replace the lady with a big dumb bruiser, most of these comments would be much different (kinda like the comments everyone made when the idiot ran over the officers foot when the officer was issuing him a ticket). As I recall, most of you were laughing/joking at that guy who got slammed (why the different reaction? which I am sure some of you will try justifying). Different officers/people are going to react and handle these situations differently. Frustrating when idiots try stereotyping PO's.

That guy drove over the foot of a cop which can be construed as assault or whatever, she didn't do anything but act stupid. It's kinda different although both did not follow instructions.
I would just like to ask 1 question to all the one's defending the cop or saying what he did was "justified" or "what they are taught to do".

And BEFORE you jump on the band wagon saying "she would never do something like that" given the same circumstance drinking or not. And if you can muster a honest opinion that would be nice.

What if that woman in the video was your wife/daughter/mother?

And as I said drinking or not.

Still have the same opinion?

If not why?

She would still be a drunk disrespectable(might as well be stripper)had to put that in cause I know someone is gonna say it's because she was drunk trash or some bull because it is stated she worked as a dancer.

And then if you do still have the same opinion well then I guess you are in a class of your own and must have a very miserable home life. ???

And as far as well he maybe deserved suspending but not being fired well you could be right in 1 circumstance. And that would be during the suspension they sent him to lock up with general population and let that video play on the tv's there and see how he likes the routine escort hold take down being practiced on him, cause I'm sure there would be a few guys in the that would make the size comparison equal out in the other direction with him being in the ladies shoes that wouldn't mind practicing up.

And according to police chief and evidentally others in his same shoes thought different.

During a verbal exchange between Geraci and Bonds, Geraci approached Bonds and grabbed her by her left arm. He then forcibly slung her into the side of the car, then grabbed the back of her head and forced it into the top of the vehicle while placing her in handcuffs.

“When I saw the video, I was shocked and disappointed,â€￾ Simmons said. “This is not how we train, it was unreasonable force and it was inconsistent with the level of resistance.â€￾
Sometimes I wonder how I keep myself from getting booted when I read some of these idiot comments. Sad how a seemingly harmless lady takes a shot to the face like that (although it would have never happened if she wasn't out risking the lives of yours and my family). If she would have killed one of our kids or family members; or if that seemingly harmless lady would have pulled a weapon and fired on the PO; this would be a totally different post. My guess is that if we replace the lady with a big dumb bruiser, most of these comments would be much different (kinda like the comments everyone made when the idiot ran over the officers foot when the officer was issuing him a ticket). As I recall, most of you were laughing/joking at that guy who got slammed (why the different reaction? which I am sure some of you will try justifying). Different officers/people are going to react and handle these situations differently. Frustrating when idiots try stereotyping PO's.

Kind of Apples and Oranges here. If the lady attempted to attack the officer, pulled a gun on the officer etc, then you better believe he should use appropriate force to prevent this and protect himself. Key idea here is appropriate force for the circumstances. A lot of money gets spent to train them to keep their cool and a level head.

The cop was pissed off the lady disrespected him. I have drunks disrespect me on occasion. Alcohol makes a lot of people stupid. Happened to me just yesterday at a Blues festival. Should I assault them when they do it?

Or how about this, should citizens be allowed to be pissed off when a cop disrespects them? Should we be able to assault them? If I raised a hand to a cop, I'd have 15 cops on me in about 2 mins.