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EtrnlSoldier @ Feb. 15 2008 said:
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Here's an interesting example. Two videos of the same police shooting. Watch them in the proper order. Can we be fooled by video? Can the camera "lie?" Perchance:
Justified, or no? Once you've made up your mind, watch the second one:
Not saying right or wrong here on these videos. The man shot in this video was found to be pointing a cell phone. I'm not saying that the police should have know that, I'm just pointing out the final conclusion after the fact on this video.
Then what is your point?? It's all about
perceived threat anyway. Justified, or not?
It didn't look like a cel phone to me, and I hadn't just been in a high speed chase, with it pointing in my face. Would it have looked like that to you? And, give me a link to where you got this information please.
I knew, repeat, KNEW this would happen! Believe me without a doubt, I feel that the police had NO choice in this situation but to open fire. It's unfortunate circumstances, sometimes nobody's fault (situations where hearing impaired or mentally hanicapped people have fallen victims). In the follow video, one of the last comments by the narrator says 'the police had no choice but to fire again'. I would most definitely agree.
You're not reading what I read. I said that,
once again, " Not saying right or wrong here on these videos. The man shot in this video was found to be pointing a cell phone.
I'm not saying that the police should have know that, I'm just pointing out the final conclusion after the fact on this video."
The replies in this post seem to usually be one sided and quite passionate. Understandable from both points of view actually. It seems to be full of rebuttals from misquotes or misuderstandings, at least as far as I've read. Unfortunately it's difficult to always express one's true meaning through the written word. No ability to express the written words through verbal expression.
A miss quote at the beginning of this post is "For the person who said that if two female officers can't "handle" one female suspect, well, put yourself in that same position."
It DIDN'T say two women, it said "
women", meaning get more than two female officers in the cell. I certainly agree that it is much more difficult to contain a person, male or female, than most think possible.
Actually mentioned, somewhat indirectly earlier in the post, is that there may not be enough female officers availible or that if there is a direct threat, male officers may be involved in a situation of assisting female officers in what's supposed to be an 'all female' officer situation is complete logic.
But let's face it, there is bias here. The folks on this post saying that no one knows what the police had to go through, don't know what the female that was arrested in this video had completely done either. I've heard her refered to as 'crackwhore' and most rescently 'chick'. 'Chick' not necessarily being a severly harse word, but I'm sure if someone walked up to you and referred to a female standing next to oneself that was your sister, wife, mother, daughter, etc. and said to you 'who's the chick?' you probably woundn't find it very respectful!
By the way, the people I ride with are Federal Law Enforcement. I had recently started to look into LVMPD as an occupation. I have friends that are with the department.
Below is the video clip where the information came from. I don't know why anyone should find it offensive, it's simply what happened.