Core Moto / Carrozzeria wheels E mail replied

Agreed, and I realize I'm being picky. I just can't imagine sending out a professional reply without proofreading it. Especially if you know it's going to be posted on the internet for the world to read, and you're trying to convince people your QC issues are a thing of the past.
Now I’m going to be triple checking what I write, since english is not my first language. Lol!
Agreed, and I realize I'm being picky. I just can't imagine sending out a professional reply without proofreading it. Especially if you know it's going to be posted on the internet for the world to read, and you're trying to convince people your QC issues are a thing of the past.

I totally agree! That you are being picky that is. Lol! This dude has a million things going on and is probably answering the stack of emails while stuffing a sandwich down his throat. As I always tell people "do you want a quick perfect answer or a late perfectly typed perfect answer?" They go for quick every time.
Maybe everyone that decides to buy a set should let them know that Bryan is the reason they for their purchase, so he can get some “points” from core moto.
So are the wheels Luke is referring to available now, or are they still working through the production issues?

At this time there is nothing available as far as wheels go . . . they are working through production on 400+ sets of the new Apex wheel, and the older V Track wheels are totally out of stock and will not go into production until the Apex wheels are out. They do realize the season will be upon us shortly, so they are cognizant of how important it is to have these as soon as possible. POWERHOUSE will entertain the idea
of a group buy, but that may hinge on the pre order situation. So much is up in the air at this time, that I want to be sure what we want is readily available and that Luke is okay with the idea. I will post when release is imminent, and we can plan our "group" strategy at that time . . .
Stock= really good(or none of us would be here)
Aftermarket=much better
Save your stock parts too, and it can always be put back that way.
No big deal.