Correct bleed nipple size


Hi all my first post.
Been off the road for while due to being naughty. Anyway I got myself an old 99 Bus that's been stood for a year. Had to fit new disks and pads for the MOT as old disks were rather worn and excess travel on pedal. Could not get both new pads on, only one per side but the old ones really dont look that worn anyway. Bike then almost failed MOT due to front brakes binding. I was told to ride carefully until they bed in properly. Anyway after about a five mile run they bedded in ok but went from one extreme to the other, binding to excessive play again. Tried fitting the second new pad again but still cant get it on. Tried bleeding both the front lines firstly by the normal method by topping up from the top - no change. So I then bled by using a large syringe and filling from the bottom. Brakes seem to be still the same. Im going to try some speed bleed nipples but not too sure of the size. I think they are M8x1.25 but someone told me that Suzuki standard size is M7 x 1.00. Can someone please confirm.
The chap that I got the bike off told me that it eats through front pads and he has to change them every 6 months or so. I dont know if this is the norm or not. Any tips/advise very welcome.
I would highly recommend a brake calibre rebuild all the way around. You shouldnt need to replace brakes every six months if you are riding normal. When doing a rebuild drain the lines and flush with brake fluid to get any crud out just in case. Then do new bleed.

I want to say I saw rebuild kits for 30$ or so at the dealer.

Gluck keep us posted.
Thanks for replies.
I spoke to the chap again who I bought the bike from. Tells me callipers were rebuilt not long ago and braided hosing fitted at the same time. He now confesses that hes been riding the bike like this for about 6 years with excessive play and the reason for changing pads regularly is so that they help take up loose play when the bike is due for road testing ??? hmm. He reckons that in his opinion it can only be the master cylinder at fault and that a repair kit of around £20 off ebay should sort it. Trouble with buying second hand bikes, you dont know about their demons till youv'e had it for a while. Today for example it would not start due to flat battery (which I only charged a few days ago) so new battery and decent charger to go on the list. Puts her in gear and she tried to take off and stalled. No clutch. Bled this and seems ok now. Went for a spin then about 5 miles from home the gear lever foot pedal part just snapped off so had to limp it home in 2nd. Upon inspection it had been snapped before and ally welded back on again. Oh dear, what next I wonder. I'll keep in touch.