Cover for the Busa

Lots of good Input, looks Like Im just going to use a nice XL cotton sheet for now. Alot cheaper, and wont scar the clearcoat....OK, I admit...Im A Cheap@ss
Got mine in the auto section of walmart. fit's like a glove. It was with the car covers.
$18 My bike is also extended and it will cover the whole bike, wvwn the wheels. the rear is also streched over the swingarm stand and a baxley front chock. This is the reason it looks a little odd.

I have many covers. what do you want the cover to do? my Geza Gear cover gets used the most. My busa is a daily driver. Get to work cover the bike. With a Geza cover you do not have to wait for the pipes to cool down. For my bikes that only come out on perfect days, full covers after the pipes are cool. Whatever cover you use, be careful of the pipes.
My bike is not a daily driver....especially since its getting colder outside. It is stored outside in the "almost open" I live in a house that used to be a duplex and my bike is parked under what used to be the entry way of the other house. If it rains the overhang isnt even big enough to keep the water from the roof from falling on the tail section of the bike. It is also windy here in North Texas so i dont want my cover to be flapping in the breeze and scratch my clear coat. Needs to resist the weather,rain, mildew/mold and of course keep the dirt off. I wish i had a garage....none of this would be a problem....military is to cheap to give us houses with garages....