crack in frame

Don't part it out. Take it to a professional welder and have them reweld it. It CAN be done and it will probly be stronger than OEM after.
I would strip the paint and penetrant test it before you do anything else. This test has 2 parts to it. you spray some stuff on it then spray developer on it. If theres a tiny crack it will show up big..this works fantastic. IF theres a crack, proceed as GMbusa suggested. all is not lost.
Dude if the frame is cracked you can have it fixed easily. Don't sell or part out your pride and joy. It can be repaired to be even stronger that it was originally. Talk to some local welders in your area until you find a competent aluminum welder and let him/her do the dirty work. I bet it would only take them a couple hours max to repair it to good/better than new!!
wait a minute guys probusa said "been having a chat with wife think im gonna sell it" hes on his way to a new 08
Parting it out may be best. Aluminum loses 30% of its strength when welded. The weld is now stronger than the aluminum around it. I would part it out as well, take the money and put it towards a new / different bike.
Good Luck
I would strip the paint and penetrant test it before you do anything else. This test has 2 parts to it. you spray some stuff on it then spray developer on it. If theres a tiny crack it will show up big..this works fantastic. IF theres a crack, proceed as GMbusa suggested. all is not lost.
+1000 bring it to a good welding house. Then bring it to an NDT house. have it FPI (fluid penetrant inspected... You'll be good to go!
try Suzuki you never know what they may say. If that doesn't work start watching E Bay for a new frame.
post pics post pics post pics post pics and do not sell it, the weld can be done with no problem!! don't part it out but if you do let me know what you want for the motor.
I would fix it with an 08 too if I could
(I would not be surprised if other mounts were not damaged as well)

I think a proper fix would require stripping the thing down, welding and then annealing the frame again to relieve any other stresses..

I would shy away from any penetrant for crack checking.. most are oil based and anyone that has welded aluminum can tell you how fun that can be.. We used to do dye checks on our propellers after every run.. messy stuff..