Crazy Cagers---Ever Have One of Those Weeks?


I've been out on the Busa doing my "break-in" miles...oh the joy:-) Just a funny observation. So, I've been out doing a mix of back roads and highway to vary the RPMs and engine stress---you know, the typical stuff under 1000 miles. For some reason when I have been out on the back roads here in Maryland I've come upon seemingly normal drivers who absolutely go psycho when I come up behind them. It must be something in the water here around the DC Metro area---I swear.

Drivers around here must get uncomfortable when a motorcycle comes up behind them. They see it as a challenge and have to start driving like idiots. For example I've come upon three drivers in one week who are driving well under the speed limit, and as soon as I get a clear shot to pass them they accelerate to triple digits to basically challenge me. I always let them go because I don't want them pulling in behind me trying to pace me 3 inches off my back tire after I pass them. Maybe it was just a bad week.

Anybody ever have one of these weeks?
I remember passing a group of youngsters in one of those souped-up Honda Civics with that annoying sounding exhaust system. I came up behind them and as soon as I got clearance to pass them, I heard them down-shift and speed up. Needless to say I twisted my throttle and went around him. I got up on me and tried to go around me. Once I saw him get in the opposite lane, I showed them what the Busa was all about. I twisted the throttle and after five seconds, I looked in my mirror and saw the car getting smaller and smaller. I was on a country road and started heading into a town. I slowed down and pulled into the first gas station to fuel up and rest. A few minutes later I hear that loud Civic pull up next to me as I was pumping gas. The driver said to and I quote "Dude that was f*^&%ing awesome. I want one of them when I grow up. You f*^&%ing disappeared in the blink of an eye and I was doing 100mph." He asked me more questions about the bike and gave me a high five. Testosterone and a Busa are a hell of a combination.
i have had a few idiots in civics and the like try that crap with me. i just let them go. Unless i was in the chevelle. for some strange reason, they thought at highway speeds they could take me..... roots blower and all.
I can relate and can tell you i stopped having "One of those weeks" with cagers when I started treating them all like morons who either a). don't know what the hell they're doing or b). Are out to hurt me or anyone else that doesn't please them. 9 times out of 9.5 either of those discriptions fit any cager you meet on the road. It doesn't mean start being paranoid. Just be proactive and take juking, dodging, and ditching them in as much stride as taking a bug to the facesheild is. It's just something that comes with the territory of Smart Motorcycling.

In your case, it's best to either bite the bullet and pace the cage even if they are driving below the limit until you can see enough runway that looks safe to pass. And by pass i mean drop the hammer and leave em like they are going to try and come after you. If possible watch their heads to see if they're looking for you to make a move. And when you do punch it do it wide enough incase they do try to pull towards you. You should pass them safely even if they do swerve at you like a homicidal maniac. Stay in it and put distance on them and traffic between you and them if possible. If you know the area, maybe change your route for a bit. Take a left turn and go on a side street or just around a block and come back to your previous road and continue on your way. They're gone down the street trying to catch up with something they can't see or still in the neighborhood you just did a circle in. If passing fast isn't a option, or your in territory you don't know or fear speedtraps up ahead, maybe pull off and chill for a minute or 2 and be on your way. The asstard trying to police you will be moving at speed now with you gone or somebody else in a cage pushing on them to. Or they will just plain be gone. Otherwise punching it hard, going wide around them and putting some distance and traffic on them usually is enough. Always check your mirrors every couple of seconds though. Road Rage is real but truth is, if the cage isn't close enough to touch you (or for the car occupents able to shoot you), it can't really hurt you. You got the safest motorcycle you can ride on the road which is a sportbike. Use it.
Here in san diego. every week! they try to set their car on your back seat, and if you look at them they get pist off like i didnt what:eek::eek::eek:
Great info. I feel a little better now that I'm not alone:-)

Yeah, I've been riding for a long time with long stretches of nothing but clear road and blue skies. The all at once you get a streak of crazies. This was my week.

We have some great twisties here in Maryland and we also have our share of fast imports and lots of testosterone. Kids around here are outfitted with nice cars at a pretty young age---however, it's not always kids. I've seen my share of chemically imbalanced middle aged men behind the wheel trying to be King of the Road. Anyways, some of those imports can go fast as heck. I'm not about to get into a road race with them on the twisties and chance losing control and hitting a tree or worse. But you had some excellent advice about passing fast and getting away from them.

Guess I just needed to vent:-)
I've been out on the Busa doing my "break-in" miles...oh the joy:-) Just a funny observation. So, I've been out doing a mix of back roads and highway to vary the RPMs and engine stress---you know, the typical stuff under 1000 miles. For some reason when I have been out on the back roads here in Maryland I've come upon seemingly normal drivers who absolutely go psycho when I come up behind them. It must be something in the water here around the DC Metro area---I swear.

Drivers around here must get uncomfortable when a motorcycle comes up behind them. They see it as a challenge and have to start driving like idiots. For example I've come upon three drivers in one week who are driving well under the speed limit, and as soon as I get a clear shot to pass them they accelerate to triple digits to basically challenge me. I always let them go because I don't want them pulling in behind me trying to pace me 3 inches off my back tire after I pass them. Maybe it was just a bad week.

Anybody ever have one of these weeks?

This happens to me all too often. I pulled behind a Chevy who-know-what at a red light to make a left up a steep hill near Uniontown PA. I was looking away when the light turned so he got a jump on me and took off like a bat out of hell. Of course I was compelled to give chase. I caught him on the PA 43 Turnpike toll road and did my usual selective high speed bursts. This went on for about 20 miles but I never completely shook him, as he maintained a steady triple digit speed. At a major toll booth/office area, he pulled in.... he was a PA Turnpike employee.
I seldom have a car do anything like that (that I notice at least). But I've lost count of the times a Harley rider will gas it when I go to pass. Seems like the shorter the straight and the less room there is to get by, the more likely they are to do it. Never has been a problem, but they'll be going 30-35mph and when I pass, it's all of a sudden revving like crazy and making all kinds of racket.:laugh:
Got behind a dude in a Sentra yesterday...he would SLOW down...coming almost to a stop...two lane road, and lots of oncoming traffic, i.e. I could not pass. Kept this crap up for miles and miles, then the road FINALLY widened to 4 lanes, and I got around him. I was tempted to raise my shield and ask him what the HE|| was wrong??? But I figured no good could come of it. A$$ Hole!!
I seldom have a car do anything like that (that I notice at least). But I've lost count of the times a Harley rider will gas it when I go to pass. Seems like the shorter the straight and the less room there is to get by, the more likely they are to do it. Never has been a problem, but they'll be going 30-35mph and when I pass, it's all of a sudden revving like crazy and making all kinds of racket.:laugh:

Yeah, I figure that people are people and most are morons on one mood-altering medication or another. I always have to remember this.

I am not a big fan of messing with cagers. There are times when my adreneline gets the best of me and my brain shuts off. But I tend to back-off quickly when my brain switches back on. There are plenty of cagers who will run way up into the triple-digits. Having an angry pick-up driver behind me going 140 MPH with 6000 lbs of steel is not my idea of a good time. Ha ha ha.
Don't have too many problems around here but when there is an idiot who thinks he is fast the wife who is always on the back just gives her:laugh: little finger a wiggle at them as we pass them and head of into the distance:laugh:
Oh yea!

I am not sure what we have more of down here, love bugs or a** hats driving cages.
Wonder there are even any of us left!

Play defense and break that baby in!