Custom license plates..

custom plates make your bike stand out, my bike and my truck has my last name on it looks crazy when i tow my bike on my trailer.
FastFrog007 -- please forgive me for taking such liberties... but I simply had to hijack this picture you posted in the "pimped" thread and pop it up under this custom plate thread.
I was just looking at all the pretty bikes when your plate literally made me LAUGH OUT LOUD! :thumbsup:

I was lookin through the thread and suddenly "hey, I think thats mine" :lol:

Glad ya like it, saves me from posting the pic again. :thumbsup:

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Since I named my bike HayBus, I was pleased when I found it was available. (some motojournalists affectionately called the Hayabusa "the Haybus" so it stuck with me.)

the only thing about a personal plate is if your doin something you shouldnt be. (not that anyone on a busa would be doin that :whistle:). its too easy for another motorist to remember as opposed to letters and numbers together. if ya'll catch my drift.
I thought about getting one but it costs an extra $50 a year, just don't want to give the state one extra cent if I don't have too.
Had this on my bike years ago in cali...toofast
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