Cut Out - One Voice


Jeff I will send you the info, Suzuki tells me friday that they have the cure but they need the lawyers to look at Liability. Lets call this one the impending "RECALL". If they have the solution, let's get it on!

Enough BS fix my bike now, not after I am in the grave from a crash senario.
Well guys, this problem will not be fixed without a combined single voice to Suzuki. I at one time attempted to get everyone to send me their info (name, address, s/n, etc). I had 4 responses (one 1 had the info we need).

I would be happy to take this information to Mel Harris (head of Suzuki US) at the AMA races at Pikes Peak, CO on the 17th.

So, if you want this to happen I need the following:

Bike S/N
Brief problem description & number of occurences
e-mail address

Send this information to me vie e-mail:

Or you can sit back and do nothing.
Or, you can take your bike to the dealer and asked them to fix the problem, like a bunch of guys have already done successfully. Big Pete, it sounds like your dealer did something wrong.
Blighty guy, how is yours doing?
It's back with him first thing monday.
There's only a couple of weeks before the weather changes here big style. I just want to enjoy them before the snow comes. :(

She runs like a dream now - not a single cut out after 200 miles whereas before it would cut-out after 10-15 minutes.

Today was a real test since the weather was very hot and humid. It did fail to start 1st time on one occassion today but fired right up on the second go. In short - I'm happy.

The dealer tells me that they shortened one of the fuel hoses to remove kink damage which they suspect was caused when the alarm was fitted. The receipt for the work done has "throttle position sensor" written on it along with references to the fuel lines but the handwriting is a bit poor.

Wish I could tell you what they did to my bike after the rebuild, but if they intend to make the same fix on all your bikes then you won't be disappointed. Noticeably bmore power, better idle, smooth, no hiccups or cut-outs. 4000km carefree miles since the rebuild now.