Cycle World Sep 04 Issue


Donating Member
So .. the good thing about this article is that they didn't compare the ZX-10 or any of those bikes to the Busa or the 12 ... we're in a different class
The bad news about this article is that we're in a different class
... does this mean that the majority of the R & D efforts are geared toward the liter bikes in the supersport class?

if i'm not mistaken i beleive the Honda(out of all bikes) was rated to be best on the track.

i haven't read this issue yet. got info from Top Dead Center..
Oops my bad ... I guess that was a teaser huh ... here are a couple pages of the results and reviews.
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So the main purpose of my post was to get your opinions on whether Suzuki and Kawasaki were motivated to make a lot of enhancements to the Busa and the 12 when the real wars seem to be with the liter bikes ??
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Books and tracks are one thing, I think the likes of Suzuki, Kawasaki, etc are mostly motivated by profit margin and sales.
If they are likely to make more profit on an upgraded model, then there must be some motivation to upgrade, also if sales start to flag, then again they should be motivated to upgrade of course, that has to balance out with the cost of the upgrade.
I think most would agree the Busa deserves and is over due for it's upgrade
(it must have made some Bloody good money for Suzuki).

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I'm not sure if nex year likes of 'Busa, BBird ZX12 will get an upgrade but it may be so...

Note ,
Previous year was a year of 600's
This year it was 1000 cc bikes so....
Could be next...

Don't know if you guys have that mag, but I've bught FastBikes mag, I think last issue had a feature "World Fastest Bikes",1000 and "Busa , BBird ZZ12 etc.... comparing them....
In that article they compared Gixer1000 with Busa , Fireblade with BBird,and ZX10 with 12.....
The winner of that was R1,
Second : GSXR-1000
Third : ZX10R
Fourth : Blade

I think they were just saying that today's 1000cc class ( superbike) power to weight ratio is really good, and is it going eclispse bikes like "Busa etc...
They have separated sports from hypersports as they put it...
in Hyper they put ; 1: ZX12; 2: "Busa; 3:BBird

I've tried to search it up on a net...
but had no luck with it...
I love how the GSXR750 has one of the best times on the page. Only the monster kawasaki beat it. If I were to own a 2nd bike, that would be it. What a track burner!
The gsxr's in most comparisions aren't typically rated at the top, but somehow the ole gixxer repeadely produces the best lap times. To me that's what counts, not the oohhhh and ahhhhs over the bike with the latest manuf. updates.