Da vinci code

I doubt Opus Dei will sue. I do not think that would help their cause at all. They've done a great job answering questions on their website that stem directly from the book.

The same way that Dan Brown could be asked to prove what he wrote is true, Opus Dei might be asked to prove what they wrote in response on their website is true. It's up to the reader to decipher fact from fiction. This wasn't written in the New York Times... this was a book found in the FICTION section of a bookstore. That's like buying the jungle book as your guide prior to taking a safari. lol
Yep, I can see that my views(Agnostic) on this subject would be about as popular as a lead (or led) balloon...so....


  BTW, in case you think want to get me started
...I once debated a pair Jehovahs witnesses (mom and son) for hours. By the time I was done they looked a little confused and needed to go "look up some scripture" and get some more ppl to help(said she was going to bring her husband and one of the other higher ups to answer the questions they couldn't find answer for).  I INVITED them to come back(we even scheduled a time)...they never showed up at my house again.  In fact I havent seen another jehovah's witness at my house in 3 years. I'm thinking I must have been black listed.  hahaha
Are you a sincere or insincere agnostic?


I know the movie is "fiction" but it raises a truthful point about our society.  As historical fact unravels and changes we embrace technology and welcome individuals who discover new information about our past.  When someone tries to do the same with the bible they are immediately ripped apart and discredited before the facts are looked at.  If we claimed someone from this ORG found evidence that VA Busa's relatives discovered America she would be the talk of the town.  However, let one of us challenge a fact from the bible and our entire life would be twisted and critiqued in order to discredit us, of course our claims would then automatically be looked upon as unfounded.  

I say live your life to its fullest extent while trying to be a good citizen and neighbor to "all".  It's the "all" that eludes some religions now isn't it...
IITimothy 3:16 "All scripture is given by inspiration of GOD, it is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. That the man of GOD may be perfect, thouroughly equipped for every good work."

Revelation 22: 18-19 "For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book. If anyone adds to these things, GOD willa dd to him the plagues that are written in this book; And if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, GOD shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."

Seems pretty clear to me, the Bible is Gods word. It has stood the test of time and Dan Brown can sell his 40 million but he hasn't even scratched the surface against the best seller of all times. The whole thing kinda cracks me up because for every dollar he makes a theologian, pastor and scholars alike are raking in the cash also simply by pointing out the errors of his claims and WHY they are fiction.

If you feel lucky enough to play with GOD then you would probably also ride at 100+ with a nail in your tire.

If as a Christian I am wrong then I live a live that keeps me respecting others and their property.

If I am right then YOU GO TO HELL!
It was a great book...truth or not, I did enjoy the read and look forward to seeing the movie...my beliefs aside, I find it so ironic that the more people whine and moan about the flick, the MORE people will go see it...if the Catholic Church wanted people to stay away, they should have just been quiet about it, not try to make the huge deal that they have out of it...they did the same thing with the movie "The Last Temptation of Christ" and you know the ONLY reason I even watched it was because of the controversy surrounding it...

I respect one Church that I heard about on the radio last week...that Church was having an outing with all of its congregation to see the movie, then they were going to discuss it in an open forum over trying to hide it like some horrible evil...seems it's better to openly discuss our differences or beliefs over trying to cover them up...

In the end, it's just a book...don't see why anyone should feel threatened by that...