I doubt Opus Dei will sue. I do not think that would help their cause at all. They've done a great job answering questions on their website that stem directly from the book.
The same way that Dan Brown could be asked to prove what he wrote is true, Opus Dei might be asked to prove what they wrote in response on their website is true. It's up to the reader to decipher fact from fiction. This wasn't written in the New York Times... this was a book found in the FICTION section of a bookstore. That's like buying the jungle book as your guide prior to taking a safari. lol
The same way that Dan Brown could be asked to prove what he wrote is true, Opus Dei might be asked to prove what they wrote in response on their website is true. It's up to the reader to decipher fact from fiction. This wasn't written in the New York Times... this was a book found in the FICTION section of a bookstore. That's like buying the jungle book as your guide prior to taking a safari. lol