Damperner Cap removal


Does anyone know how to remove those aftermarket bolt caps on the handle bar damperner.

I bought the bike and it has these chrome caps over the bolts and I would like to take them off so I can put on a chrome triple tree and damperner.

I would like not to scratch these up, so i can use them once I have the new parts on.

I've tried to unloosing the nuts on the bottom side, but the entire bolt and cap just spins.

any help would be great..
I don't have pics, but its those aftermarket bolt caps that you can get to cover ugly bolt heads..
these are the 4 bolts that hold the handle bar dampner to the top triple tree..

I'll give the razor a try..

X-Acto knife with a square blade works for me. I tried a Delrin plastic blade, but it got chewed up after the first beauty cap.

Watch your fingers, those beauty caps are a snug fit!