daughters car VS japanese maple


Fun Times!
Donating Member
We were going to eat tonight with our family and on our way I seen a bag of potting soil or something laying in the interstate, so I dodged it, then all I seen was a bunch of small leaves and BAM! we hit something. The restarant was the next exit so when we got there I got out and looked at the front of the car and there was a limb sticking in the center of the bumper and the root and trunk stuck through the lower part of the bumper, through the raidator. CRAP, what next. We get in and sit down to eat and my 92 year old Grandmother tells me she was robbed today. WTH! Jerks got 180 dollars. They came to her door and said they were replacing the phone lines to underground, talked to her about it and she went back in the house to continue working on her puzzle, she works on puzzles in the back of the house. They apparently came in without her knowing it, she cant hear very well, went through her purse and took the cash. What jerks. People these days have no shame, she did make the comment that they would get theirs one day, and they will. Anyway, hope you all had a better day than we did. :(
Da**, when it rains it pours... sorry to hear that but glad everyone is o.k. Like grandma said, they will get theirs one day..... and then some. Car parts can be replaced.
another thought, what if I had been on the Busa? it really would have been a bad day. Yeah, cars are just parts, and money is just money, I am just glad we are all OK. I just hope a couple of guys come to my house talking about replacing the lines, Im going to introduce them to MR. Glock.
got the estimate today, needs a radiator, fan, fan shroud,air conditioner condensor, new front bumper. $2300.00 $500 deductable and my insurance will probably go up. Merry Christmas to me! :(
Sorry to hear about the car man. Your grandmother on the other hand really should be more aware man that is not good if these clowns came in her house without her knowning while she was there it could have been way worse than the money they stole with all the sicko's in the world today
Oh gosh!!! Glad everyone is OK though!!! Did your Grandmother file a police report. She probably isn't the first person those scum bags have done this to. You are right. They will get theirs.
It was my Grandmother, she will be keeping her doors locked from now on. The police was called, and yes, they are probably doing this to other people, I just hope they catch them and no one gets hurt, unless its them.
Dang it! I'm sorry to hear about the car but I'm really pizzed about what happened to your grandmother.
I sure hope these scum of the earth get whats coming to them real soon!
It was my Grandmother, she will be keeping her doors locked from now on. The police was called, and yes, they are probably doing this to other people, I just hope they catch them and no one gets hurt, unless its them.

LOL Yeah I caught that after I posted and fixed it bro sorry :thumbsup:
This thread is useless without pics!!

....too soon? :)

Concerning the grandmother, Kharma always wins in the end! Some people came to a party at my house and stole 50 dollars out of her purse. Then I heard from a mutual friend they totaled their new car :)
December 25, 2006 coming home from my sisters house after morning present unwraping I wrecked my daughters Christmas present. Her new car. Right into a lawyers car. Sued my insurance and won $80,000. Now I pay a huge premium.
Well after hearing about grandma the car seems small potatos. I'm glad they didnt hurt her to get the money. At least she seems to be okay about the whole thing. Not scared that is.

At least grandma is safe that's the important thing.
got the estimate today, needs a radiator, fan, fan shroud,air conditioner condensor, new front bumper. $2300.00 $500 deductable and my insurance will probably go up. Merry Christmas to me! :(

If it makes you a little better I can tell what my insurance rate is here in Miami without ever having made a claim:laugh:
Glad everyone is ok it's always the most important thing:thumbsup: