Debating on putting my dog to sleep

she has lived a good long life, most dogs are lucky to live past 11-12, she will let you know when its time , by wondering off alone and hidding....take lots of pictures while you still can, and make sure she knows you love her, if she is in to much pain, put her down(one of the hardest things to watch) maybe have someone take her in for you...when you feel a bit better go out and find another loving dog to take care of(there are so many) youll find that hole in your heart can be filled again....and also be providing a good home for anouther less fortunate animal, and besides puppys are so much fun to watch (not so much to train) my malamute chases off the 3 rott's(they are actually affriad of her) look at the blue and brown

thank you all for your help and concern. In the end, i put her to sleep at 1134am today. being only 27, and ive had her since i was 13, this was a truly hard decision. When i talked to the vet, she tried to give signs of *false* hope, but then she was also being honest with us. Missy's kidneys were at maybe 10%, she even lost control of her bowels twice while we were there (alot of blood) and her urine looked more like yellow puss. I found myself where i couldnt say to do it, but then when i looked into her eyes, i knew it was time. and even then, it took me... gawd, what felt like an eternity to decide. the vet gave us options of having a vet come out to the house or just schedule an appointment, or do it then and there. and in the end i decided to do it now. there was no reason 2 make her suffer another 24 hours. i remember a friend telling me how he was "ok" the whole time when he had 2 put his dog down, and it wasnt till the shot when he broke now... and that was in the back of my head, but it didnt work out like that for me. even when we were just talken about her kidneys and such, is when when i broke down. what was worse, is when i said ok and they went to get the paperwork, she jumps up and starts trying to walk around and did so for prob 30 secs. which is about 30 secs longer then she has in the last week. and that made me wonder if she was trying to tell me she was ok, or jsut doing it for me. but i know her, and she was just trying to make me happy, even though she was probably in alot of pain doing it. but in the end, i felt i had 2, for her sake.

again, thank you all for your kind words and prayers.
Man sorry bro im going threw the same thing its so hard and it feels like forever when they do it. Things will get better just keep thinking bout the good times u had with her when u get doiwn seems to be working for me..
I feel your pain. I had to put one of my dogs to sleep back in 05. It was a real hard for me. So I called my aunt and she took her. I look back and wish I had the guts to do it myself.