Des Moines, Iowa Ride

Quick question.

Any of these bikes have GenMars or other types of risers? If so, which ones? Also, what is the average height of these guys.

I feel like I'm more forward that these pics look.
Just curious!

Great pics.. I remember doing that type of ride with my FJ1200 a few years back.. met up with about 12-15 FJs in Red Wing MN, rode 35 down the Wisconsin side of the Mississippi river... beautiful ride!
Thanks for getting the pics up so fast, Greg!

I don't have 'em.  I'm the guy sportin' the shirt and flippin' Greg off in the pic  (not really).  I'm 6 foot even....

Tracy is looking incredulous in the shirt pic 'cause I just told him how high the water got back during the floods of '93..  Who is that grey-haired guy in my shirt??!!  That can't be me!

Good ride and nice to meet so many members.  Thanks to everyone who rode a long way to do the ride - looking forward to the next one

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Quick question.

Any of these bikes have GenMars or other types of risers? If so, which ones? Also, what is the average height of these guys.

I feel like I'm more forward that these pics look.
Just curious!

Great pics.. I remember doing that type of ride with my FJ1200 a few years back.. met up with about 12-15 FJs in Red Wing MN, rode 35 down the Wisconsin side of the Mississippi river... beautiful ride!
mine does


1.5" genmars

5'-10" tall.
Boy I love Hooters...

Nice pics, Greg. Looks like it was a heck of a fun ride.
Guys from Quad Cities are all back safe and sound, had a blast! 500 miles even!
Quick question.

Any of these bikes have GenMars or other types of risers? If so, which ones? Also, what is the average height of these guys.

I feel like I'm more forward that these pics look.
Just curious!

Great pics.. I remember doing that type of ride with my FJ1200 a few years back.. met up with about 12-15 FJs in Red Wing MN, rode 35 down the Wisconsin side of the Mississippi river... beautiful ride!
Mine does, too. I'm 5' 8". 1 1/4" Reaper Risers

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Wish I could have been there for this ride. Looks like a great one.
Kansas City crew back safe and sound. Great ride, I enjoyed meeting all the guys from the org. Greg thanks for the great pics, and putting together a cool route. I appreciate your effort! Lance I know I made your day since I was the oldest to attend,and even though we logged 525 mi., I'm going back out for a spin while all you young punks go to bed! Night night!LOL
P S Greg where is the pic you took of fstbusa, you know the one.
I don't know! I looked, but aparently didn't really take it.
Got something special planned on our next ride surrounding "that" [he he he maniacal laugh]

OH WAIT! you mean this one? ? ?
I'll remove it when I get hate email from him. But I secretly think he uses pics like this to get dates ;)

What great pictures and a great time by the looks of it. Some of us MN boys wouldn't mind meeting -up half way, like Mason City and going for a ride with you DSM riders.
Hey Greg,

I looked thru the pix I took and found some with ya in there...
