Differences between gsxr 600/750/1000 wheels, if any??


Hey guys, I am looking at getting a set of gsxr wheels to put on my busa for this upcoming season. I was woundering if there is a difference between the 600, 750 and 1000 wheels. Will they all work with spacers and brake hanger milling, does anyone on here make the spacers and sell them. What about the rear sprocket and front and rear rotors. If someone has this done and can help me out, that would be great. Thanks, Andy...
I think those years have the bigger spokes, I was looking at the 2007-08 wheels...
you will have problems with finding the correct rotor sizes!
The gen2 stuff uses smaller diameter rotors.
thats why I was hoping someone on here had done the swap and hopefully had some pictures they would be able to post...
No, they don't match. That's why you don't see any pics....
So what gsxr 1000 wheels is everyone running, I really want to get a set but want to be sure that they could work...
05-08 gsxr 1000 wheels will work with a Gen 2. For the front wheels you will need spacers as well as shims for the rotors. All really simple I was a little overwhelmed myself doing this conversion till Bill (Rollinz20) gave me the down low, really simple. The rear wheel will bolt right on. It will require a larger rotor.
1000 cc - 750 cc = 250cc
1000 cc - 600 cc = 400cc
750 cc - 600 cc = 150 cc

It seems clear that least difference in wheels is between the 600 and the 750 :thumbsup:
