Dilemma--Need Advice

Are you going to now admit I was right? A back rub will suffice as an apology :laugh:
I wouldn't say anything either. If she is a real friend, she should understand in the end. Getting mad about it is human, but should understand. If not, doesn't change your pay. You don't get LIKE ME pay right. With the way the economy is going, get what you can get while you can get it.
Just so everyone knows. The person she is talking about is the kind of person that will be totally negative about anyone elses success but rub her own success in your face. She overestimates her ability and qualifications. I believe that she would use any information to her own advantage and stab you in the back without hesitation if she thought it would further her ambition.
No one said the ladder to success didnt have a few toes and fingers to step on while on your way up.! If you are squeamish...stay on your rung!
Good luck pebbles!:thumbsup:
What a great family!!! Dang it, how I wish I would have began my history here long before I did...would I ever have some shid that needs 'covering'. Great advice from a lot of good people. Hope to hear good news come Friday!! :beerchug:
You are the better person for the job and thats why the coworker is pissed at you. You haven't even been there for 2 years and she has been there 20+. Something is wrong with her then.
She smart cookie!!! :rofl: Nice!

Good luck, yo! I wouldn't say anything...
I agree with Lycan..............Do not say a word. Let the situation diffuse and settle. Yes, she is already mad....if you get hired, she will be even more mad. Her getting mad is inevitable....

Focus on you. Its not like you crawled over top of her to get the interview.....all you did was apply, certainly within your right. Good Luck!


Her being mad and her not being able to make this move the last 20 years has nothing to do with you - it's all her and she'll find a way to be upset no matter what happens.

Best of luck!
I would not say anything and let all communication flow through whatever channel the company has for announcing position changes...Good Luck I hope you get the promotion:beerchug:


No good can come from you trying to explain to your co-worker. Let the process handle this. Good luck!
What they said. No good will come of discussing it with your coworker. She obviously has contacts in HR or how else would she know how many people were called for an interview.