Dirt Bike Pants...


Group Buy Guy
Donating Member
Saw someone wearing these the other day while riding a sport-bike! Wondered if anyone had also tried this... Pro's , Con's....

I think it looks pretty cool, but I'm worried about protection.
Old enough to know better, but young enough to still want to try! Would this be considered "going through Mid-life crisis!" The pair I was looking at looked like they would be similar to Textile pants. Plus, surely they offer more protection than a pair of jeans...

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I have them for riding dirt. They are lined and slick to allow you to skate over the dirt & not get abrasions. Should be better than jeans.

They also breath well.

Not as good as a set of leathers tho.
Let us know as soon as you figure out the difference between dirt at 45MPH and asphalt at 80 or MPH... He he... Just better hope they dont' melt...
Still... might be better than levis... But I dunno, not by much...
 Let us know as soon as you figure out the difference between dirt at 45MPH and asphalt at 80 or MPH...  He he...  Just better hope they dont' melt...
 Still... might be better than levis...  But I dunno, not by much...
Ok you got me there! Was just looking for the poor mans version of leathers....
well if your riding for protection its one thing but studies show that as you age so does your since of fashion. Dont be that guy. You know the one in the weight room with the tiger striped pants ( black and pink) Or that guy in the club with the bald spot on top and the pony tail on the back of his head. Take it from me that just aint cool, youll be that guy with the dirtbike pants ridin a busa. Just my opinion
well if your riding for protection its one thing but studies show that as you age so does your since of fashion.  Dont be that guy.  You know the one in the weight room with the tiger striped pants ( black and pink) Or that guy in the club with the bald spot on top and the pony tail on the back of his head.  Take it from me that just aint cool, youll be that guy with the dirtbike pants ridin a busa. Just my opinion

KS, Bro, They have a solution, it's called Draggin Jeans, Or even Joe Rocket type mesh gear...

You just wanted the flashy graphics and purty colors...

He he...
I can paint up a set of custom JR Mesh Pants for you if you like?
well if your riding for protection its one thing but studies show that as you age so does your since of fashion.  Dont be that guy.  You know the one in the weight room with the tiger striped pants ( black and pink) Or that guy in the club with the bald spot on top and the pony tail on the back of his head.  Take it from me that just aint cool, youll be that guy with the dirtbike pants ridin a busa. Just my opinion
Does this mean I have to ditch my dress socks when I wear shorts. Dayum you guys are raining on my parade! I really like the ones that come all the way up to your knee caps..........
Dirt bike pants would never stand up to the kind of abrasion that you would have siding down the road on your a$$ after a spill.  The material is not made to take it.

What the MX pants will do is protect you in momentary, light-contact situations, like an off-road fall or collision with another rider at relatively low speeds.  There's some padding built in, but not all that much.

Motocross clothes look cool on the MX track, but, please, not on the 'Busa!

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Ok, let me clairify since it appears to me no one understands what I'm talking about.

This are textile pants for dirt bikes!

What I was trying to explain... Textile dirtbike pants

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There are several companies out there that make riding pants for the street that are "Cut" similar to what you have pictured and are made fo rthe road.... I have seen em and read about them...


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