Disappearing Coolant


So, I dropped off the hayabusa at the shop with a peculair problem.  

I discovered that the coolant resevoir was empty, filled it up, went for a short ride and the next day it was empty again.  I dropped it off at the shop a couple of days ago, and my mechanic filled it up.  He calls me up to say that he found it empty the next day. Hmmm....  He said that he checked the oil and the exhaust and it isn't there. There was no evidence of leakage (ie no puddle) any of the times.  I had checked the hoses/tubes (they were fairly loose) and tightened them.  I thought maybe I was spraying coolant all over the road.  My mechanic said his next step would be to do a "leak down test".  

Also, before I purchased the bike (used), the previous owner had replaced the tail pipes.  He said that the radiator had to be removed to do so.....  

* Any thoughts on what might be the issue here? *

Thank you very much!
well it must be a significant leak if it leaks completely out in 1 day...

if its not in the oil or ponding under your bike over night I have no idea where its going...
Does it happen when it just sits or do you have to ride or run it to lose the coolant?

Does it overheat?

Was the coolant replaced when he put it back together?

If it is going into the oil the oil will look like a chocolate milk shake
Does it happen when it just sits or do you have to ride or run it to lose the coolant?

Does it overheat?

Was the coolant replaced when he put it back together?

If it is going into the oil the oil will look like a chocolate milk shake
I had taken it for a ride before the coolant disappeared.
My mechanic had started it and ran it for a few mins before it disappeared on him.  

On my ride, it ran hot quick!  I stopped and let it cool off, then went straight home.

I *believe* the coolant was replaced when it was put back together. (what would it mean if he *did not* replace it?)

The oil looks fine.  It was changed before my last ride.

Thanks for the post!
I just got a call from my mechanic who said that he got it up to temp this weekend and it has held the coolant. He thinks it was an air bubble...

I hope that was it!
Went for a nice fat ride this weekend.  Coolant levels held, temperature quite normal (despite horsin' it a bit
)  Thanks again for the posts!  Later.
Had a problem with mine leaking last year, but it was obvious.....as it would pool while sitting still...particularly in traffic on hot days....not good!!!  
    After 2 trips to the dealer for an "inspection" and the "fix" by powerflushing and replacing (how the hell a flush and fill was gonna fix the leak i dont know!!!), i insisted the 3rd time he look HARDER, as in, "its under warranty and im not gonna drive it with antifreeze dripping on my rear tire so if you cant find it youll be replacing the whole bike with a new one."  Hmmm, threatening seemed to do the trick.  They took alot off stuff apart this time.  The upper radiator hose clamp slid back off the gooseneck area and was leaking from waaaaay up inside the engine bay.  No problems since.  Just a little pissed off at the dealer.  
    Anyone else run into this radiator hose problem?
Ok check this out
I've removed my radiator several times. The thing you have REMEMBER to do is BLEED the radiator. When you loosen a hose or take it off it creates air bubbles in the lines and in the radiator. So you get air pockets that take up space and cause your bike to run hotter because you don't have enough fluid in it. Typically you need to refill the coolant let it run for a while then cut it off. What you'll most likely hear and see is once it shut off the radiaor will gulp or burp a couple of times and the fluid in the resevior will disappear. Once it does add more coolant and repeat the process until the burping stops and the resevoir remains at a constant level.

Just remember it takes abolut agallon to fill the radiator and the HOSES, so you have to buy two bottles of coolant when you replace or flush the system.