do i need a power commander

I agree that Flashing the ECU has a ton of benefits, but if you don't have someone who will adjust it then go with something else. Has anyone else compared the map conversion in the ecu editor to verify if the A/F is still close to what it was before? This subject has been kept quiet....:whistle:
if it were my bike i wouldnt use the map conversion, i like to know 100% sure that everything looks good regarding a/f.
The conversions for both the PC V and the Bazzaz are both intentionally on the rich side for a margin of safety. They should only be used as a starting point foe a base map.
what about pair valve? does that appy to a g2. my g1 had decel pop and was a little rich until i did the pair valve. that made it better. i had at the time a set of 2 brothers slip ons.
you can disable pair valve with this
Pair Valve Eliminator Plug

or you can do all of your tuning with ecu, and disable pair with ecu editor

Just push the easy button, no need to steal your kiddo's marbles :)

Same applies to dis-able O2 sensor, no need to plug in an eliminator plug if you absolutely don't want closed loop fuel control... just push the easy button on that too LOL


Get a Power Commander and down load the correct map for your set up.

In Oz with our bikes fuelling so different to the US models thats so hit and miss that you may as well just leave it standard as the fuelling will be closer than after you have downloaded the "wish". Any fuelling change without knowing what you have to start and what you have when finished is :whistle: