Do I neeed wheel chocks on the trailer?

bass boss

I haven't pulled my busa on a trailer before, but I need to pull it 1000 miles in a few weeks. Do I need to put the front wheel in a wheel chock or will 4 tie down straps hold it tight enough? If I need a wheel choc, which one should I get?
If you hold the front brake and compress the front suspension as you tighten the straps, you can do without the chock, I went almost 2,700 miles  fl to ca.  Of course a chock will only help make it more secure, so why not?

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wheel chocks make it a lot more stable and easier to load. You can get them at any trailer store and they are pretty cheap.
wheel chocks rule. You need something to keep the front wheel from turning or sliding to the side. I use the pingel version.
I have trailered my bikes halfway across the country (NC to KS) and halfway down the country (KS to TX) without a chalk and had no problems, but I think I may get one for my next trip. Making sure the front suspension is completely collapsed is the important part and should be sufficient. I just like the extra bit of security. I may try one of these trailer/rail chocks: <a href="">Condor<a>.
Bass Boss,
Because you have the single greatest stock color scheme on the planet, I recommend the added stabilkity offered by a wheel chock; however, how ofter do you plan to trailer your bike? If only twice (where you are going and back) then the simple chocks will run you about $40 and can be purchased at about any truck/trailer store. Installation is very simple, you are just drilling holes in your floor to install the bolts. As was previously stated, the simple wheel chocks will keep your front wheel from turning to either side. If you plan on trailering the bike more than that, you may want to look at one of the standing chocks such as baxley or condor. They will actually hold you bike upright (they are the ones that you push the wheel up onto a track and it locks the wheel in place) I have a condor that I use for my bike in the carport and I have an adapter to slide it into my trailer. If you want more info, I can send you a couple of websites to let you see what I am talking about.
BigBSBusa i have one of the smaller condors and it works absolutly great you don't need to strap the bike so hard and make straping alot nice i use that and only 2 straps now gona order another 2 of them condors to put in my trailer and pickup

Bass boss a wheel choke would be great but if your trailer at least has a front rail on it you can always but the front tire up against that. if not then yeah a wheel choke would be a good investment. as for strapping the suspecion completely tight i'm not to big of a fan of that to easy to end up blowing fork seals out i've done that once and so has a friend of mine Good luck to those of you that strap that tight
BigBSBusa i have one of the smaller condors and it works absolutly great you don't need to strap the bike so hard and make straping alot nice i use that and only 2 straps now gona order another 2 of them condors to put in my trailer and pickup

Bass boss a wheel choke would be great but if your trailer at least has a front rail on it you can always but the front tire up against that. if not then yeah a wheel choke would be a good investment. as for strapping the suspecion completely tight i'm not to big of a fan of that to easy to end up blowing fork seals out i've done that once and so has a friend of mine Good luck to those of you that strap that tight
Thanks, Midnight. I think I am going to get the Condor rail conversion kit.