do people still fight in parking lots?

I dont know.. after WWJD's "OTHER STORY" not sure if we can belive this one or not.. I think he might just be working us...
oh no, this is NON fiction. for fiction, I always adds plenty of colorful descriptions. I am not sure if the guy was drunk... he didn't act like it... it was just so dumb I couldn't fathom someone NOT drunk acting that way... but I don't get out much either.
The whole thing left me wired and shaken, and I've really a lover not a fighter ;) and I don't know how I would truly react. I had two other instances that showed I respnd quickly and precisly without thinking so I guess I'd be okay. I can't imagine getting so mad over this. A honk and 'the finger' should have sufficed. I think my last real fight was highschool where some older kid slappunched me - it stunned me and I just stood there, shocked he actually hit me and that was it.

Great reading your stories though!
you did the right thing.

Never fight unless you have no choice. Then if that happens, finish it as quick as possible.

Just like I was always taught about firearms, never ever ever pull a gun out unless you plan on using it, no trying to intimidate anyone.

And if you do pull it out, do so with the intention of killing the other person, not trying to cripple them or disable them.

Same thing with fighting, don’t fight someone unless you are willing to take their life.

Because whomever you are fighting, they could accidentally trip over some and hit their head, or you could also. And head trauma can be deadly.

So whenever you get into a physical altercation with someone, you really have no idea how it will turn out.

in your situation, taking someone’s life or losing your life over a parking dispute is silly.

Just this morning on the news, some guy was frustrated with a slow moving car, took him a few miles to pass him, when he finally did he flipped the slow moving car off.

The person in the slow moving car in response fired a gun at him. This was just on the news this morning..

A bunch of freaks out there and anyone can snap at any moment. So my motto is, best to fly under the radar and stay away from confrontations at all cost because the cost could be more than anyone wants to pay
Well said... We worked a murder last week where a guy killed his brother during a dispute over a cigarette. One is dead and the other is sitting in jail, not to mention having to live with killing his own brother... over a stupid cigarette. Most of our more serious calls (folks injured or dead) start out as silly stuff like what you went through at the pizza joint. Go figure...
WWJD you did the smart thing man... but here is the problem with the smart thing.... It isn't satisfying now is it?

You went home and typed this post because you were pissed that although you did the correct thing and defused the situation..... you did not put this arrogant loser in his place.

Had you sat there and got him fuming to the point that he hit you, you could have kicked the living stuffing out of him and taught him a lesson for the rest of his life.

So, you would have actually done some good both for the world as a whole and for this idiot by forcing him to smarten up and stop acting like a fool. Then you would have came home satisfied!

Of course, you did the smart thing (he could have had a weapon, he could have just been a better fighter than you, he could have had 10 friends stuffed in the backseat, you could have gone to jail, etc...)

BUT....I'm glad I'm young and stupid! (I don't start fights, but I never throw water on a ticking bomb....I blow on it to give that fuse a little more oxygen!)

Who wants to live forever? I'd rather live an unforgetable, unregretable 30 year life than a bland, uninteresting 100 year life.
Thats what im talking bout. He wants a piece give him a piece.
Ahhhh youth.. isn’t it refreshing lol.

Yeah, I remember the days... had one guy walk up on me and he had already pissed me off, as soon as he got with in arms reach I hit him in the throat with my open hand, closed it tightly around his throat, and then I guess because of adrenaline, I picked him up off the ground and held him with his feet dangling and I explained how much of an idiot he was as I walked in a circle. I was so pissed I could not stand still.

I was so pissed and out of control I didn’t realize what I was doing until his friend gently tapped me on the shoulder and said "hey man!!! he cant breath!!" then I realized what I was doing and dropped him.

As I said.. it is not worth it. In the heat of the moment so many unknown variables can go wrong.

I have done other things in my past I am not proud of and I look back at them now and think how lucky I and other people were that nothing went drastically wrong and lives were lost.

These are things I did 30 years ago and I am still afraid to tell people about them because I don’t know if I can still be jailed for them.

As I said. violence as a totally last resort only.

WWJD, you know as well as I do that if there is any anger at all in you and any thoughts at all that you maybe should have done something, those thoughts stem from pride.

It is over and done with, no one got hurt and because you didn’t take action, it opens the door up for God to take action. And anything God can do to this guy is far worse and more meaningful than anything you can do.
Ahhhh youth.. isn’t it refreshing lol.

Yeah, I remember the days... had one guy walk up on me and he had already pissed me off, as soon as he got with in arms reach I hit him in the throat with my open hand, closed it tightly around his throat, and then I guess because of adrenaline, I picked him up off the ground and held him with his feet dangling and I explained how much of an idiot he was as I walked in a circle. I was so pissed I could not stand still.

I was so pissed and out of control I didn’t realize what I was doing until his friend gently tapped me on the shoulder and said "hey man!!! he cant breath!!" then I realized what I was doing and dropped him.

As I said.. it is not worth it. In the heat of the moment so many unknown variables can go wrong.

I have done other things in my past I am not proud of and I look back at them now and think how lucky I and other people were that nothing went drastically wrong and lives were lost.

These are things I did 30 years ago and I am still afraid to tell people about them because I don’t know if I can still be jailed for them.

As I said. violence as a totally last resort only.

WWJD, you know as well as I do that if there is any anger at all in you and any thoughts at all that you maybe should have done something, those thoughts stem from pride.

It is over and done with, no one got hurt and because you didn’t take action, it opens the door up for God to take action. And anything God can do to this guy is far worse and more meaningful than anything you can do.
Yep, now I just play Grand Theft Auto, Doom3 or Painkiller, you can kill as many people as you like...
LOL dab! I totally agree with living an interesting life over bland and safe, but harming others shouldn't be a part of it

Thrasher: pride is true. luckily, I'm obviously not too concerned about what others think of me... just what God thinks and of course, my reaction was based on thinking, "What Would Jesus Do?". Imagine that!
I felt bad about saying things like "Grow up" but I'm not a perfect human and it seemed decent to say at the time.

Thanks for the perspectives everyone. Good stuff!
Yep, now I just play Grand Theft Auto, Doom3 or Painkiller, you can kill as many people as you like...
LOL.. yes killing computer gen'd people is legal.. aint that a blast!! lol

You know people always condemn computer games for our youth.

However I heard something fascinating, scientist have a theory, and apparently a somewhat proven theory, that these games that young kids are playing, the multi player games, doom type games, is having an affect of training the mind to multi task and to monitor different threat conditions.

It is causing the young brains to develop and react faster and to have the ability to multi task better than we could when we were kids....

WWJD - trust me, I wasn’t trying to throw stones, just trying to be a helpful Christian brother to ya. I am the LAST person to throw stones..

Just 10 minutes ago I was having a heart to heart talk with my middle son who is struggling a little. And without going into details, I told him I fight on a daily basis the evil that is inside of my head.

I honestly feel at times I am the most wicked, most despicable person on this earth, the only thing that keeps me in check is God, not my fear of God.. but my love of God.

My past has corrupted my mind in such a way that the demons will never leave. They can only be kept in check. My wish is to try and minimize that in my sons.

So like I said WWJD, wasn’t trying to throw stones. And I hope you know that…

Heck, every time I see someone park in a handicapped parking space and jump out and hop, skip and jump to the store and then I see someone with a cane or walker having to walk a block to the same store, I really have to try hard sometimes not to beat the crap out of the jerk who parked in the handicapped parking space. (one of my stupid little pet peeves that probably overly gets a reaction out of me
I felt bad about saying things like "Grow up" but I'm not a perfect human and it seemed decent to say at the time.
Actually I dont think that was THAT bad of a thing to say..

Who knows, maybe those words rang in the guys ears long after you left and maybe after he calmed down he thought to himself, yeah, he was right.

God might have put those words in your head to come out of your lips because maybe that is something he needed to hear, and to ponder.

And who knows, you very well could have handled ths situation better than I might have lol
Double post sorry

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He deserves it for hitting a woman.
Hey man... being a girl is no defense.  The agressor is always at fault, regardless of gender.  If my fellow females want to be treated like men, they don't get to hide behind the barricade of being a woman.  Let's be fair
Ah naivety...another trait of women.

A woman may want to be considered a man's equal in the working world, but no woman would want the court to consider them a man's equal in a fight...if you get what I'm saying here.

Just 10 minutes ago I was having a heart to heart talk with my middle son who is struggling a little. And without going into details, I told him I fight on a daily basis the evil that is inside of my head.

I honestly feel at times I am the most wicked, most despicable person on this earth,
Having a family changed my outlook on life too.

Helping your son makes you a better man. Don't be down on yourself when you're doing good things.
I don't care who started it, there's no reason to take a swing at a woman EVER. PERIOD. Men are just confused, spineless, blamers these days. And if a woman aspires to equal a man, she's set her expectations to low.