do you prefer - or + ?

Do you prefer positive or negative

  • Negative

    Votes: 8 11.8%
  • Positive

    Votes: 60 88.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I try to surround myself with the positive. If it is not available I try to create it myself by being positive. Things are not so great these days but they get no better by pretending they don't exist. They get better by positive individuals initiating positive action. Ignoring porblems because they are negative will not make them go away.
This is an interesting topic. In the not so distant past, I had the tendency to view things with general negativity. It was a condition I was not totally aware of because it was an effect of nurture.
Now things are different and positivity is the mentality I try to observe.
positive, i try to make it all positive any more, been around negative half my life, it sucks, so even if it is someting negative i try to turn it into something positive.
Do you prefer to surround yourself with negativity or positivity?

Now, before you answer the OBVIOUS wishful thinking answer, take a moment to think about what you access, see, read, watch and CHOOSE to indulge in, on a daily basis. Examining THAT will tell you what you REALLY prefer. On a scale where it is impossible to be 50-50 equal on both, which way does it lean? Think about all you choose to see hear and absorb during a day.

Maybe a brief explanation of your choice also would be interesting.

I don't listen to the media BS, I don't watch negative TV, and I'm pretty sure the world isn't coming to an end. My cup is pretty much more than half full, I think I'm healthy, and while a Cynic, and an admitted misanthrope, as odd as it sounds, I'm pretty positive.

The worst thing any of us can do is sit around and subject ourselves to politics, Media Hype, "NEWS" of any sort in large amounts will push you rapidly into a negative mindset just as easily as most network television. A person doesn't need to stick their head in the sand, but they do need to understand the effects that mass media has on the psyche.
You will improve your life surrounding yourself with positive influences. Negative influences will hold you back. If you get enough negative you will become depressed and hopeless. Faith in anything will help guide you back to positive thoughts and influences.
I must have pos cause I am so negative any additional neg would probably make me eat a bullet or a ton of sleeping pills.
Busa1166, SHUT OFF THE TV! Permenantly. We ALL grew up watching it and even addicted to it so much that we can no longer SEE what it is doing to us. And newspapers telling you how bad life is everyday, 365, and news websites about things you can't POSSIBLY control from whereever you are sitting.... push away and just say no. Heed TRUWRECKS words

"You will improve your life surrounding yourself with positive influences. Negative influences will hold you back. If you get enough negative you will become depressed and hopeless."

there is no reason for us to CHOOSE to assault ourselves with all that negativity all through life... you gotta GO FIND the positive... we are way to used to the negative coming to us - mostly because someone profits from it

think of when we are happiest: when we are AWAY from everything on vacation, or ALONE with a loved one... we were not DESIGNED to have access [and be assaulted] by ALL the worlds problems, all the time, in our face..... THIS, IS CNN
I hate people who are always negative. I can't be around them for too long. They bring your spirit down if you are not careful.