It's probably more my riding style(and bad habits).
Ever since I got a Busa of my own my cornering is much different than 1000's. I thought at first that the busa was just as fast through them, but I've since changed my mind. I really have to hang my ass of the side of the seat to get a knee down on the Busa, and I've scraped my right lower fairing(and both stock mufflers when I had them)too many times. Yes, asking for a lowside. Despite the slight extra effort to flick the Busa side to side, it just doesn't handle quite the same as the 1000...obviously. On the 1000s my side to side movement in the seat is minimal in comparison, and my knees hit much easier.
I'm still trying to get past the memory of the first time I saw my wife in her underwear SteveOyou have such a way with words
I'm still in that excitement mode of "almost there, almost there!" trying to touch that knee. While I've done it a few times on the track, I'm still not comfortable with it yet; I'm sure after that it won't be nearly a big a deal as it is right now....
It is. These are our local roads.
Imagine curvy twisty stuff for hundreds of miles.
Come see me sometime.
View attachment 211295
(we shot that photo on the previous page in this stretch. This sequence of curves goes for 15 miles like this.)
We too, have lost of fun twisty roads to play on!
I would love to come ride with you Tim!
Like wise Tuff!I enjoy riding and learning to be better!
You got a lot of knowledge and skill I could use!
It almost evens out though.. Florida the weather is nice but the roads are straight, Olympia Washington has curvy roads but you have to ride in the rain..