Do you tuck in your riding boots?

You guys are uber GAY!!! I don't have any problem tucking A N Y T H I N G ! ! ! :laugh:

"It's a Nocturne,,, you know,,, Francis Effin Chopin!" :rofl:
I always tuck above 130 mph......... :oldcool: Oh wait a minute, this is one of those jeans / leathers "tuck in the boots" discussions......ohhhhh......"my bad".... :oldcool:

Jeans ????, no (unless it's raining). Leathers ????, yes(even when it's raining). Dress pants ???? comment.
riding pants + riding boots = yes. tuck in
no riding pants + riding boots = no tuck
jeans + riding boots = no tuck
shorts + riding boots = nerd
I don't have leather track pants, but would tuck if I did. Jeans and slacks go outside the boots. Feet get super hot in the summer, that's why I have a spare pair of shoes at the office. The boots come off immediately after I sit down at my desk and the spare shoes go on.