do you want to go fast?

do you want to go fast? - yes or no

  • No: I'm totally pleased just riding this motorcycle

    Votes: 147 100.0%

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Did you get Hayabusa because you wanted to go very, VERY fast at some point, or are you just enjoying riding this legendary machine.

This Yes or No poll will show what percentage of voters got the bike to go fast and what percentage just enjoy riding
so, yeah, I specifically bought the Hayabusa with every intention of pegging the speedo a few times while owning it. Nuttin wrong if you don't do that though, to each his own and always ride within your limits.

At first, I assumed everybody that had one got it to go super fast, but after a few years on here, I see there are many different reasons for purchase and enjoyment of a Hayabusa
Both the 1st one as you can a test to I went very very fast..

This one I don't go quite as fast.. Its kind of a been there done that thing..

Now I just appreciate the Busa for what it is.. KING
No. I just enjoy riding this legendary machine. To be totally honest, I didnt know what to expect. I have always wanted a Busa. When my wife suggested we get another bike, I told her, It was the busa or nothing. She was happy with that, so we purchased our 05. I wanted the bike because I knew it be a very capable sport/touring bike. I never dreamed of how this bike has captured our enthusiasm and interest. I also had no idea this site even existed. 3 months later, we purchased my wifes bike. To me, owning a Busa has turned from just being a motorcycle rider to being a sport enthusiast and this is quickly becoming a family sport for which we plan vacations, meet other great site members, and enjoy each others company as husband and wife. I still have the Busa smile every time I walk into the garage! I have no desire to see how fast she can go, I know she can exceed my limitations and go faster than I want to go. I am happy and content to ride this machine, take care of it, and enjoy the sport with my wife and my fellow oRg members. I do however enjoy the twisties! Hope I answered your question.
I got her b-cuz I really like her repatation as a performer and a looker! I'll be honest before I got her I'd never ridden one before only sat and
. But with so many positive reviews and knowing what I wanted, I couldn't go wrong! BTW I got her more for comfort and presence than speed.
When I decided I wanted a sportier bike (I was riding a FZ1 at the time), I was looking at the Honda CBR 1000 because of ergonomics. I've had some back problems so I knew I couldn't get to a racing tuck on the R1. The CBR has the best ergonomics of any liter bike. No one had the 1000. The last Honda shop I went into also sold Suzuki's. He had the Busa on the floor. I sat on it one time and stopped looking for any other bike. I was hooked.

I'll never max out the Busa in it's stock set up. I enjoy riding it through the twisties. It's heavy enough that I feel planted when I lay into the turns. I'll ride it fast on occasion but I'll never peg the needle. Heck, at 52 it would scare me to death.
it was a little of both for me. Thought it would be great to ride long distance, wouldn't have to worry about comfort.
Then one day i was riding my zx9 and it was topped out there was nothing left for it to give me and i found myself looking for 7th gear

that's when I new I needed more bike.
I think newer owners would be more liekely to be influenced by "the legend". I know when I was getting mine it was known as the fastest but it was still a baby at the time. I think over the last 2-3 years you've seen the busa plastered in every kind of magazine with every kind of possible variation. That kind of exposure draws alot more different people to the bike.

When I got mine it was mainly because I couldn't stay hunched over on a liter bike because of back surgery, etc. It left me with few choices unless I wanted to go pure touring.
, does fast mean acceleration, power or TOP speed
? Cause, I got it for the Power and Acceleration. I can't imagion
 trying to do a top speed (or near it) run on public roads
. Now that would be INSANE
. But then there is always MY yearly venture to Texas International  
. Yeeeeeeeee Hawwwwwwwww, TOP SPEED here I'es Comes
yes... and in early 2000 when I got her, there weren't many around... so I would be different from the herd, not uh, which one is mine, they all look the same? still don't see many around though.
No, I just wanted a bike that would allow me to keep up with my son when we are able to ride together. I never go fast on my busa.
Actually I bought it because I wanted a bike that accelerated like hell off the line...and was still comfy for me and the wife on longer rides. I've never been a top speed junky...its the drag race type acceleration I crave. But unfortunately when you live almost a mile up in elevation, even the mighty busa loses enough hp to not quite fill that need. Man I hate the highlands
I did not buy it to play in triple digits, although we have been there and back many times. I did not buy it to risk low siding her in the hills, although we have been there and back many times. I promised myself I would stop riding (street) at 40 (or next spill) and always wanted the legend since it's introduction. To be honest, next season I will probably sell her and move back into dirt with my 9 year old son and another monster miata (V8) with my wife. Possibly a track bike but no tracks close. I absolutely love the Busa and the members here compliment her appropriately. However, I realize that riding is in many ways a selfish sport and looking for more family bonding. Truth is, I would not want my wife to ride a sport bike today on the public roads.