Does your wife hate your bike??

I would never disrespect my bike ,by getting a wife.


My wife has her own bike (2007-GSX750R), and she is my main riding partner, so it's all good!!!! When I had the Bird, she had a VFR.
she doesnt hate it but she didnt want me to get it, but I did anyway! One of the best decisions I ever made. I now have alot of new friends that I would have never met.
i dont have a wife but i do have a girlfriend....she was with me when i had my zx6 and now ive had a busa for a while and at first she was kind scared to be on it. but now after riding on it alot she loves it. now when we go fast or dig hard into turns shes on the back giggling inside her helmet. and when we stop shes smiling and telling me how she was giggling when we were going fast.
My wife hates my bike. Her words upon my pulling into the garage and seeing the damage that occured to the CBR600 my son rides after he crashed (no injuries, whew!) "I hate those things" as she stomped into the house.
But she understands I gotta' ride...
My wife told me her or the bike been divorced two years now

Just kidding but seriously my girlfriend knows better.....
i dont have a wife but i do have a girlfriend....she was with me when i had my zx6 and now ive had a busa for a while and at first she was kind scared to be on it. but now after riding on it alot she loves it. now when we go fast or dig hard into turns shes on the back giggling inside her helmet. and when we stop shes smiling and telling me how she was giggling when we were going fast.
My wife used to do that. Now she giggles on her own bike!


My wife has never been on my bike.She has NO interest in it whatsoever.....However she does see how happy it makes me and likes to see me having fun.....HONEST!!!!!!!!!
Mine hates it, and also the 04 I totaled! She has never been on it and I am tired of asking her. So she does her thing and I ride.
Well, I guess im not alone then.. thats good,lol. My wife has never liked anything I have done.. shes a jealous control freak, so there ya are,lol..;)
i dont understand everyone my wife is my busa ... also keep a smokin lil mistress but she's not a big fan of my wife they usually have to fight over me
but she likes to make it a threesome every once in a while

Thank ya....thank ya very mushhhhh....