Dog Bills. What would be your limit or is there not one?

My Ex-wife spent 5K getting the knees fixed on my old dog...It made me made but would have done it again. Sad part is that the surgery failed and it cost another $500 to put the dog down...
To all who question her future quality of life I say I think she's good to go for a few more years. Can't say for sure and I have no idea what life expectancy is for chihuahuas but we are doing whatever it takes to make sure the rest of her days are happy .
I figured you folks would feel the same.
A lot of it has to do with the dog's future quality of life. If spending money is going to keep my pup alive, but miserable, well... It's a difficult decision, but you'll know the right choice in your heart.

:werd: Kinda how I treat it as well. I have loved all of my pets and have spent a good bit of cash to keep them healthy. I have not had one put down but my parents did while I was away at school....took the wind out of me but I knew he was in a better place and not suffering.

At some point you have to just decide if you are making an investment into their future or keeping them in yours.
honestly I think in your heart you were already committed. It's good to hear how so many others feel the same way. :beerchug::thumbsup:

:please:to a healthy future for your little guy.
To all who question her future quality of life I say I think she's good to go for a few more years. Can't say for sure and I have no idea what life expectancy is for chihuahuas but we are doing whatever it takes to make sure the rest of her days are happy .
I figured you folks would feel the same.
We just had our Sheltie's teeth cleaned and it was just north of $500, just one of those moments where you cringe but realize it needs to be done to avoid future/further damage and risk of more health issues if ignored. We have a Siberian as well and between the 2 of them I'm sure we've spent more than $3k on them during the 4+ years we've had them. We try to take the best care we can of them. We also are smart about who we take them to, some vets out there are simply overrated and overpriced!
Wow!! Had my dog's teeth clean and a few extracted for a few hundred dollars. You have an expensive vet

There was bloodwork, xrays, dental cleaning and extraction, shots, enzymes were high in her liver so they had to do a biopsy, and since she is an indoor dog we never had her spayed so the vet said it was a good time to do that as well while she's under anestesia. I'm forgetting something I'm sure but it is a bit high but also alot of stuff they are doing to my poor little doggie. The bill?
I don't even wanna think about :cry:
But I'll be happy when she is and I think this will help her to be.

Commuta yes I was already committed. I was just looking for a few 'your doing the right thing' to ease MY pain :)
Few more extractions than expected :(
She has to spend the night there. I feel so bad for her.
It's my fault. :banghead:
Good thing about a purebread, is they all look the same...

Really though, it depends how strong the ties are. I would sell my bike to help. It would kill my kids to put the dog down. On the other side, it would suck to STILL be paying off credit cards after the animal has passed.

Seems like you been going trough it lately.. keep your head up!
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I have 2 great danes....i probably dont need to say much more but i will expand. The black one i have is pretty healthy..he eats about 10 lbs of chicken a day. You do the math on how much that alone cost. Vets charge by the pound for nuetering now so i will let you do the math on a 175 lb dane.

My second dane is a tiger stripped brindle. He has a disease called EPI. His body doesnt process proteins etc in food. As a result of this i have to give him a special medicine on his food every day for the rest of his life. If he doesnt get the med he starves to death no matter how much i feed him. The med costs 200 a month. As another result of this he has to eat special food as well. It Cost 50 dollars a 30 lb bag and he eats 2 bags a month.

All of this is without any incidentals. Basically any time i go to the vet with one of them it cost 150 dollars. Because they are so big. 2 gastro surgeries cost 10000 dollars total. But to be honest with you...they are just like my kids and i would do anything for them no matter what.
She told me what was HER limit.

The first puppy I adopted as an adult on my own - I took on the responsibility of her well being with the knowledge I would be with her until her last day - and I was. At age 2 they told me she had a slipping knee cap -- it bothered her to go up/down a lot of stairs -- $15K operation to repair. OR live on one level and it wouldn't hurt her quality of life. I moved to a one story home, always assisted her up in to bed and made a ramp she could slide down go get out on her own. She did GREAT.

At 10yo she became listless -- I took her to our regular vet and found out her life was at risk -- she was in ketoacidosis from adult onset diabetes -- we went straight to the emergency animal hospital. She was admitted for 5 days of constant IV etc. I didn't even hesitate -- no matter what it cost -- because she was still "herself" and many people live with diabetes. $6,000.

Following her release, I had to learn to give her insulin shots twice a day. All the insulin and syringes -- I did so religiously for three years. The diabetes blinded her -- and she was still "herself" -- she adapted and I adapted (wore jingle bell bracelet at home so she could follow me etc. -- and she knew our neighborhood and house already -- so she could run etc. It was still a really good life. She was still herself.

But as she slowed on her walks... and then could only make it around the "little" circle trail, not the big one on her walks... I knew the time was coming -- and I knew she would tell me when. She did.

She was always the pack leader (I had three by then) -- and she stopped asserting her position. She stopped sleeping up on the bed -- which she'd done for 13 years. I realized, she couldn't hear the bells anymore... and she was... in a dark, quiet unhappy world. Her decision that she was done was sudden, but very clear if you were looking for the signs. She was my first true baby.

I knew -- and I cried all the way to the vet. They had lots of measures they could take -- options to try -- tests to do -- but she had always hated unfamiliarity of the vet. It wasn't the price that mattered then... or the fact that I didn't want her to leave yet... you're never ready. It was the thought of my now anxious baby who couldn't see or hear much anymore -- and would have been poked and prodded by people she didn't know, couldn't see and i couldn't calm her with my voice. It would have been torture.

I sat down, with her bottom in my lap, her paws on my shoulder and her head laying against mine. I held and pet her in all her favorite ways for a long time. Then they quietly administered the final shot. I felt her heart stop, the breath leave her body... I was her mommy to the very end -- a safe, quiet, peaceful, comforted end.

I've never been so proud of myself for doing what was right but it broke my heart and soul into pieces.

The priority MUST be quality, not quantity, of life. If they are still themselves... even with some changes and adaptation -- I will do whatever helps them keep their comfortable happy life. But I won't ever cross the line to keeping them going beyond because I can't let go.

I hope my story helps you discern the right path in some small way.
I would draw the line at selling my bike. Once it comes to that it is time to put em down! Like a Harley rider when wanting to stop quickly. Sometimes you have to put her down for your safety!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

I don't know what I would really do. My cat Lily has already cost me about $350.00 from Pine Sol poisoning. She has a bad reaction to it and most animals are OK. I almost thought I was going lose her she was so bad. She recovered and is now more in charge of the house then before!:bowdown: She is spoiled rotten. It's all my doing too.:thumbsup: