Dog Question for you dog lovers

BTW. There are many happy looking dogs in this thread. Keep up the good work! :thumbsup:

once I got a dog a few months ago I got addicted to watching that show the dog whisperer and I totally agree with all of yours and cesar's comments and instructions. Totally works wonders and its amazing how well behaved my little pup is and how happy he is when he knows I'm the pack leader! :laugh:
I have 6 Chihuahua's. My opinion: they bark at the same things other dogs bark at. The need training just like any other dog. They love their humans and love to be on you and sleep with you if you let them. IF you want a Chihuahua then get one and don't go for these "hybrid" breeds. We need to quit messing with mother nature and mixing breeds of anything.

If we never cross bred there wouldn't be much of a choice of dogs to get. I'd say 99 % of the dogs we have today are from cross breeding.
Hybred? Just the PC word for MUTT! I can't believe the prices they ask for mutts now-a-days. Go with a Westie. They don't shed & if you don't have small kids they are great dogs.
