Double Bubble D\'oh!!


I ordered the double bubble a couple of weeks ago, and ended up getting a little adventure out of it.

I ordered it on a Friday. I called back two weeks later to check on the status, as that was when they had anticipated it would be shipped out. I found out at that time it had actually shipped the Monday after that Friday I had ordered. It had arrived at the hotel I am staying at on Wednesday, and one of the employees had signed for it.

Since it was a week and a half after that when I found out this info (last Friday), I began to wonder what might have happened. After work I stopped by the front desk and asked about the package. They could not find it, and the person that had signed for it was not there, but supposedly was going to be in on Saturday.

I went back then, and the general manager ended up searching the cleaning rooms for my package, but to no avail. Since they had apparently lost it, they said to order a new one and they'd pick up the bill. I was not too happy at this point, as I wanted to get the windscreen on before the trip back to San Diego this Sunday. But, eh, what can one do.

This past Monday morning I did a lot of calling between Zero Gravity and the hotel to get everything taken care of. Once I thought that was taken care of, I started in on my day's routine.

But, things suddenly got better just before I headed out for lunch. The hotel called. They had found the windscreen! It was out of the box (not sure how that happened) and was in one of the offices. Since the manager had been looking for a box, the shape of the windscreen hadn't stood out earlier. The second order was stopped (yay for less paperwork :) ).

I popped back to the hotel during lunch and got the windscreen. Though it was out of the box, the original wrapping had kept the screen in perfect shape. I zipped out, yanked off the old screen, pulled the rubber grommets by hand (with a colorful running commentary, they were a pain) and put the new one on. It probably took about ten minutes, but it would have been shorter had I been using the proper tools. The fit was perfect. I didn't have to make any adjustments, and road testing resulted in no screen noise (have not gone above 90 mph though . . . CHP in this area are really active . . . )

I can now see the instrument panels from any lean without having to look through the windscreen. The shape is nice, and I'm glad I got the screen. Short term driving on the freeway did not show any radical differences in wind buffeting if sitting up, but there are definite differences when leaning more than normal.

I must report that all calls the Zero Gravity resulted in talking to people that were friendly. By the end of it all, they knew me by name, hehe. Screen quality is good, and phone service is good. That concludes my adventure and report! OK OK, it might not have been a true adventure per se, but I was really thinking I wouldn't have my new 'toy' before the trip.

Now . . . if the weather reports are right, I'll be missing heavy rain by a day, woo woo!
Thanks for the info. Glad everything worked out for you. Has anyone taken a run up to the 170-180+ range with the DB yet? Comments, observations?
Dingo if you think other people on this board are interested in the petty crap and bull you went through to get your screen on, well you're absultely right :)
Can you make a quick run up to 180 or so and tell me how the DB does Dingo? :) I just need to know how the wind flow is at that speed in a semi-tuck position and whether there is any noticable or detectable additional drag and of course how it holds up or whether it whistles, makes any unusual noises etc. I already picked up a good bit of additional drag on my shoulders after picking up the Teknic jacket with armor and I don't really want to add more. I'm also considering a stock replacement screen if I can find a high quality dark smoke replacement. [earth calling LP!]

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 17 November 1999).]
Does anyone have a before and after picture of the double bubble? I would like to see this before I consider getting one.

I know it probably looks fine but the picture I have in my head is not good. Mind you that's probably just my head.
Hey Todd ran the Busa 180 for about 3 mi this weekend DB windscreen is all that you could ask for
Thanks for that.
I don't get to read the list often enough to catch everything. Only get a few spare minutes every now and again in work.

I need to win the lottery
Todd, no problem, I'll check out that speed on the way back from work :)

I might get a chance for short blasts on the trip down, but I'm not holding my breath. The weather gods appear to have it in for me. The tourmaster jacket is probably not going to be too comfortable when wet.

Sorehead, though I don't have a picture to help (I'm sure that the ones you just saw were plenty), I can maybe give an idea while you're sitting on the bike. I'm 5' 9" and when sitting I can now see everything, even the blinker lights without having to adjust the height of my head at all . . . very nice when there's condensation on the windscreen, top and bottom, at 3 AM. There's even space to spare, so the blinker indicators aren't even crowded against the edge of the screen.
Put the tape on all contact points on the DB. The thickness of the DB is much smaller, so it will "slide" around a bit.

I put the tape on and have never had a problem since.
I don't think it's possible to make a mean iMac. It's supposed to be soft and fuzzy all over.

Gimme my stone-cold PC any day. I've wrangled with it enough years to be in a rut, and unwilling to try a new platform. :)
She's taped and installed. No time to road test today but I love the look. No middle ground for me on that. Makes a mean black Busa even blacker and meaner. It's startling to see the instruments all spread out from regular riding position, and I can get my whole helmet visor down behind the DB and enjoy the near-perfect optics.

Can't wait for a redline run tomorrow. Talk about "peaceful speed."

Thanks for all the tips on installation (tape, WD-40 on grommets, etc.) I'd add one more. To put the grommets back in just insert the screw into the grommet a few turns, squirt with WD-40 then shove the "assembly" into place with your allen key.
How easy is it to fit?
Would it be possible to take switch them easily so I could use the normal screen for most days but switch for a longer run and visa-versa?
hi thusa13794 did you get the tinted db screen. it looks a little darker than the original can you see true it ok day or night
Thanks tbusa13794. I like to spend a bit of time at high speeds nearly every ride and was hoping the DB did well. I like the looks of the dark smoke version.

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 19 November 1999).]
Oh glee! My ZG DB just arrived here at work after a MONTH in the mail and customs!

I've unpacked it, put it on top of my iMac, tucked in behind the screen and pinned the RAM and the volume.

The screen works great at full speed on the information highway!

[This message has been edited by Dirty Pete (edited 19 November 1999).]
SoreHead, those are "speed brakes" not mirrors.......

Dirty Pete, a Mac? Oh my god..... there goes your bad boy image.

It takes 3 minutes total to r/r the wind screen.