..on a Thursday night (1:00) stopped on a red light, two up, with my girlfriend's BRAND NEW honda CBF-600 (I was driving..) already 5 seconds stopped, and suddenly..
BAAANG! ABSOLUTE TERROR.. the bike leaves the scenery in a hurry, way, way front, I'm flying in the air and see the stars and my life passes in front of me.. ..landing on the back of my HEAD (helmet on, no question about it!..) and my back, while pillion crashes vehicle's windshield with her head (helmet) and BOUNCES BACK ON ME! ..two people down, not moving one finger..
..my first thought when down was that my life is over anytime now, and what I managed to see is 10 VERY UNGRY pedestrians & other drivers (also bikers) heading for the car's driver with not the kindest words there are..
..I am finally moving hands & feet (must have been down for at least 2 minutes.. ..not moving at all..) and to my surprise I don't feel anything seriously broken.. ..same with girlfriend, carefully taking off helmets (after TRIPLE-checking we don't feel anything ..wet running through our necks..) and standing up..
..the woman driver of the assasin-vehicle could not justify HOW she tried to cross a red light by passing over us, and she was very certain the LIGHT WAS GREEN! ..after some persuasion by eye-witnesses (&$%*$#^#%..) she turned the light into ..yellow, and after the Officer said he would take her to the loonie-house because according to his evaluation "had no connection with surrounding environment.." the light turned to red (finally..)..
..ambulance comes, takes pillion to the hospital and I follow soon after.. ..not so serious injuries, only lots of pain (..and a little more red sauce..) and neck collars.. ..the bike looks like a million $ in change.. ..the woman said to me over the phone that "she stepped into the clutch and the brake, both feet on.." ..I said she should take the bus from now on.. ..and she said "funny you say that, my son says so also.."
Our lucky star.. ..noone believed we were up after this.. ..even the ambulance was notified to "pick up two dead casualties!"..
oh, and she had her headlights off.. ..didn't see a thing coming through mirrors (I am always watching).. ..it was like "the silent, invisible death approaching".. kind-a-thing.. ..pretty scary, now I wake up at nights, bringing the scenery in front of my eyes over and over.. ..I guess it will take some time..
..yesterday I rode my busa.. ..no big deal, just a little 50 mile ride to see if i can still do it.. ..I'm okay, only I am scared shitless of what can run into you in the middle of the night with lights off, driven by creatures with their eyes off, as well..
..ride safe!..