Down on Labor Day


Hay all! I lowsided on my '04 around a slick corner on the Needles Highway in the Black Hills of South Dakota this past weekend. Man I wish I woulda bought those frame sliders-dammit! Anyway, I'd like to know the general thought of the group as to what I should do now. I'd really like to return her to what she looked like before gravity took over. Mine was the blue/silver. The slide got the front fender, the upper fairing, touring windshield, left side throttlemeister bar end, clutch handle, left-side fairing, clutch cover, rear fairing, and left exhaust. Basically, it scratched the s@%t out of every piece except the right side fairing, the underwing in front of the rear tire, and the tank.
I was not scraped or scratched in anyway thanks to my Shoei X-11 that took a really hard slap to the back and didn't break anything off(funny it didn't-it's all plastic back there). My Joe Rocket Phoenix and Firstgear HT overpants, and Oxtar Infinity boots. The gear worked great! Didn't rub a hole in anything.
More about my helmet. Is the thing garbage? Do I throw it and get another one? Is there anyway to tell if I hit hard enuf to squish the foam inside? I've heard that helmets are a one-time deal...that true?
So, other than some bruising and some aches, I'm good! It could have been a whole lot worse!!! I drove the bike 568 miles home. I had to use some duct tape to hold the windscreen on but other than that she preformed completely normal.
Sorry so babbley, But I'd really like to know what to do with my bike and my helmet. Thanks a lot! Walt
I'm glad you're OK, the bike can be repaired.  You may find the parts you need as a result of your post here...let's hope so.

I think I would replace the sounds like it did its job.
I would also replace the lid.
Replace the lid. It's done it's job, and wether or not you can tell if it's squished the foam any, better safe then sorry.
It was always my unstanding they are one time deals, once you have an impact, replace it. I have also heard that you should replace your lid after five years, even though it may not have anything wrong with it, does anyone know what manufacturers recommend?
Glad you're ok and I would replace the lid, seriously.

Me at Needles in S.D. after leaving 2005 Colorado Hayabusa Meet n Greet a Copper Mt with Zukracr and MidnightBUsa.


Yes the Helmet is a Must replace as far as the Bike goes from what I see and know you are looking at a little over $2000 in damages that is JUST AN ESTIMATE. It is going to cost me a $600 to Replace a Lower and front fender so that is why I tell you +/- $2000 Bro but I say take her back to the way she needs to be and get yourself a new lid.
Glad your ok !!!

And nice to here ya had gear !! We've been trying to find ridin pants and boots for a while just nobody local to try it on etc...
But how fast were ya goin , slide distance etc. and you said everything wore well?
You have insurance ??
They offer a check it out and refurbish @ shoei don't they? This is what they say.
Helmet Replacement
Ultimately, the useful service life of a safety helmet is dependent on the intensity and frequency of its use. Helmet replacement is recommended even if only one of the under-mentioned points applies:

The helmet was subjected to an impact.
The comfort padding or the retention system has become loose due to heavy use or display signs of deterioration.
The synthetic foam padding displays signs of heavy use and the helmet feels too loose. Test: with the retention system fastened, the helmet turns to the side when you gently shake your head.
There are indentations in the EPS liner and/or white scratches can be seen on surfaces with black paint.
Even if none of these is applied, we, SHOEI, recommend replacement in 5 years after it's first purchased at retail.
Helmets are a one-time deal. Must replace after any impact. It's great to see that you ride in full gear. I do 100% of the time, but sometimes I wear plain jeans or slacks depending on whether I'm commuting to work or not. Otherwise, I'm wearing Alpinestars boots, Icon gloves, HJC helmet and Joe Rocket Phoenix jacket.
Glad to here you made it home! I am the one who was riding the black busa that met you right after that corner. I forgot to ask if you were a board member! It didn't look like your helmet hit very hard, but I have always heard that they are a one shot deal. Hope you get everything back together.