Down on Labor Day

Thanks sooo much for the caring responses!!! Means a lot everyone!!!

Ok, I'm trashing the helmet! Better safe than sorry is the way to go!

As far as how fast? Before the down sloping corner I'm guessing 40-50mph, then when I touched the rear brake it slid out, let off, bike straitened up tried both and lean, out of road and looking into a ravine, got off, bike slid on left side and thankfully the tires caught at the edge of the road, it stood up and fell back down on the left side facing up the hill.
Skid was, and I'm really guessing here, 50 or so ft and from where the bike laid down maybe 25-30ft to where it stopped. Tires are Metzler Z6's and suspension is set up for 2 riders. I did have my 25/30lb bag lashed on the pillion and a 15lb tankbag and me at 200+ w/gear on. I did maybe 40ft on the road. The road surface was kinda slick, it might have some sort of sealant or something. I'm sure Rob can chime in here as to the corner I slid on, he went by after we had everything all packed up. In fact we ran into his group on the way down and rode with them. When they pulled over, I did as well to say hi and to warn them to be careful.

Nice to meet you and your group Rob! Looked like you all were having as much fun as we were! Did you hear us honk when we went by your parked bikes in Lead? Hope to meet again as the Black Hills are the best!

It was funny that someone put a pic of a bus in their reply. Shortly after we left the slide area, we sen this goofy tour bus headed up the way we came down! WTH! I'm talking a brand-new big 'ol mother!
I have no idea how he got thru those tunnels! It was kinda scary thinking about meeting one of those going the opposite direction on a few of those curves!

Does anyone use a specific vendor for their OEM Suzuki parts? Favorites? I have used Oneida before and found Suzuki Power Sports on the web, anything I should beware of?

I see that theres an artist on here that does custom work. Didn't he just post some hints to his "300" bike? I apologize for not remembering your name, but I'm in need of some plastic...hint, hint. Hahaha!

Again, thanks everyone for the kind thoughts and wishes! Ride safe and please don't out-ride yourself! See ya, Walt
(N2260V @ Sep. 04 2007,21:02) As far as how fast? Before the down sloping corner I'm guessing 40-50mph, then when I touched the rear brake it slid out
Lamb is trying to be helpful (really) when he asks if you learned anything about the back brake from this sucky downage!

Sorry about your damage! Ride it Nekkid
vman1300 works for MRCycles which is one of the board sponsors and specializes in OEM pieces...just pm him and i'm sure he can get you pointed in the right direction

the painter you are looking for is Revolution

glad you came out of this ok
i have a black and a stock clutch handle you can have,lmk which one you need and i have a stock stator cover (stock) it is scratched from a spill i had a few months back,i changed it out for a chrome one that i wanted to do anyway but you can paint it,theres nothing else wrong with it. i also have a stock windscreen...lmk if that helps

glad your ok,scares the sh!t out of you ,doesnt it? kudos on driving back the 500+ miles as im sure you were shaken up a bit.
(N2260V @ Sep. 04 2007,22:02) Nice to meet you and your group Rob! Looked like you all were having as much fun as we were! Did you hear us honk when we went by your parked bikes in Lead? Hope to meet again as the Black Hills are the best!
I was wondering if that was you that honked. We had finished our ride & I was enjoying one of the best bar burgers in the Hills. We did have a great time on the ride... might have been a little faster but the guy on the Harley was someone I had met the night before from Minnesota. I was trying to explain where the good roads were & decided that I would just show him!

Be sure to drop me a PM or email when you make it out this way again.
Hay there everybody my name is jason and im a fairley new rider.  I ended up buying my 05 limited when i was home on leave from iraq
.  I have not regreted it one bit.  I was riding right behind Walt (n2260v) when he went down.  Not what i wanted to see to say the least.  The day Walt went down was exactly one month from the worst day of my life.  I got called at 5:37 p.m. that my brother had been in a head on with a semi goin through wolf creek pass in colorado.  Rob, my brother,  ended up loosing his right leg 4 inches above the knee.  I almost sold my busa but Walt talked me out of it and got me riding again.  Thank God for friends like him
.  My brother is back home in Phoenix and doin well.  I dedicated my ride to him.  So when Walt went down it was not this again.  But anyway to stop the ramblin that God that all that happened was minor.  We will continue to ride, make new friends and have new adventures.