Downed/knocked over Busa

Sorry to hear that! Hopefully, someone will blab.
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I hate to hear things like this... I saw stuff like this happen every now and then in college. I always made sure to get a good description of the vehicle with tag number, and leave a note on the car that got hit. Sorry you're having to deal with it.
Dam frackin ignorance is killing me sorry to hear dude good luck with the INS hopefully it will go in you favor
Pit Bull I'm very sorry to hear this .
Hate it for you that while you know what happened you don't know who did it !
At least I know who caused my damage , me ! :banghead:
I never park in popular spots just because you're more likely to get hit. I either use motorcycle parking or sidewalks if possible, out of the way but highly visible open parking spots away from other vehicles......but never right up front in high demand areas. Thats where the folks will run you down.
i usually park the bike more toward the exit part of the parking space, did you? too many people that just can't drive for crap out there.

I do the same...I used to park toward the line marking the back of the space to make sure people didnt bump into it when getting out of their cars. I changed that when one day I just pulled in and was still sitting on the bike taking off my gear, when a car came flying in to take the spot not realizing I was there! Almost got hit and would've been slammed into the car directly in front of me. Had I not been on it, they may not have seen the bike in time to stop.

I park more toward the back of the space now so an approaching car will definitely see my bike.

I do realize this was not the case for you in this instance but it may help others...also keeps your bike away from the space boundry for people backing into spaces.

Really sucks about the whole thing Pitbull...I worry about mine everytime I leave it in a parking lot because of stories like yours. :banghead:
That really sucks. Just got into an accident myself, and HondaEastJustin hooked me up with an excellent pricing. Good place to start if you plan on replacing any OEM stuff. Just make sure to call him in the parts department vs. using their internet ordering. He is a member of the .Org. Good Luck
azzhats some people, well i hope they believe in karma cause its gonna get them.....sorry bout your bike nothing like that feeling, i know it all to well....
I feel your pain on this one Bro.!! My deepest condolences..!!
Hope you get her fixed back up ok.!!
Quote Albert Einstein:
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.!!
Thanks for all your support.. you guys and gals keep reminding me why this is the best place for Hayabusa fans.. thanks again :beerchug: