dream bike has arrived!!!!!!!

Nice bike. If you dont mind Id like to give you some advice on those ebay exhaust tips. If you plan on keeping them, weld them tips on because those exact tips are quick to fall off. I had them before, and fitment was really bad. It barely slid on to the lip, and the clamp they provide is not wide enough to get a good grip on the header. I ended up cutting four slits on each tip, sliding it on further, then used better clamps that were given to me by the harley davidson dealership for free. I would recommend changing tips out, but if you like em, weld them on because they are overpriced as is.

What are your plans for the bike?
Great Scheme.. Welcome.. I had one same color all dressed up, here's my kid at track taking his turn on it. I wasn't around when pic was taken. I saw it on the net a few days later from the race photo taker.....

REMEMBER,....................the Busa is like an EVIL woman. Once you totally commit,.....be prepared for the consequences!!:rulez:
