Dreaming_of_riding's new bike.


Orange is the fastest
Donating Member
Susan and i went to NJ to get this bike 2 months ago. It's a 00' gsxr600. Let's just say that some idiot had his hands into this bike at one time. Airhorns, missing brackets and rubber grommets all through it. I tore this bike down to the bare essentials and went through the whole thing while also installing new frame sliders,barends, windscreen, gel grips, fender eliminator and mini lights(Doesn't hurt to be dating a cycle parts dealer, she lucked out. hehe). Now it's a great bike, everythings tight and SAFE, so my girl does not hurt herself trying to ride it.  I rode it before and after, it's a night and day difference.  Other than waiting on the mirrors to come in, it's done.
The bike used to be an UGLY yellow&black scheme and the paintwork was beyond poor. I hand sanded, primed and reshot the bike in BlackSatin. Not bad for a rattlecan job. It looks sharp IMO.

Here's some pics.

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That black satin looks good GM! Very sharp lookin! Should have done some before and afters on this little prjoect!! Awesome work! Im sure the little lady will be pleased!

Might be my eyesight or the pic, but are those front rotors a bit worn?? Cant tell!
Last pic. Well, my girl is now legal to ride, insured and ready to go on a good bike. Congrats to my baby. Now try and keep up!


I left the bike out overnight and it rained alittle. That's light surface rust on the rotors. I'll just have Yamahor go practice stoppies on it like he was doing on his bike last night.... But that's another story.

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I left the bike out overnight and it rained alittle. That's light surface rust on the rotors. I'll just have Yamahor go practice stoppies on it like he was doing on his bike last night.... But that's another story.
Gotta leave it to yamahor to have fun and serve a purpose all at the same time!!  

He SLICES, he DICES, he....well, cant remember the rest!

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Yea!!!! My bike is done. Thank you honey. You are the best a girl could ask for.

Well everyone, this is actually the first time I've seen it finished and I must say that Paul did an incredible job. I may just be the luckiest girl in the world. This bike was really rough when we got it. Night and day is an understatement. He has worked extremely hard on this bike, like he said he hand sanded it. I can't believe I have to wait a couple weeks to ride it.

Here are some before pics so you can see just how much of a change there really is.

Thank you baby!!!



Last one.

Thank you again baby!!! And by the way, watch out. I may just catch up!!! Stage 1 here I come.

Here are a couple pics of my 600 being transformed.

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