dropped busa

I have 2 different ones, Just send me a PM . Man take a riding course.. & welcome to the org
OK guys. I just talked to Brett on the phone for a while. He is in my area and I will help him get his head on strait. He had a new bike and rode it up and down his street, hit someice and learned a lesson. Stop bustin' his chops and lets get him together and keep him alive.
OK guys. I just talked to Brett on the phone for a while. He is in my area and I will help him get his head on strait. He had a new bike and rode it up and down his street, hit someice and learned a lesson. Stop bustin' his chops and lets get him together and keep him alive.
No, letting up on this guy .

We shall educate him Org. style.
I love this site and the people on it. We're known for being one of the most member friendly Busa site on the web. That being said, you guys that are beating this new owner up are acting like tools. None of us are such badasses that we've never hit leaves, or oil patches in the middle of a road, or ice. We have ice in shady areas up here even when the temps hit 45 degrees. Many areas have sand or gravel on the road for much of the year. It could have easily been any one of us. If I got this treatment from the board on my first visit, especially when I was asking for help, I would have left and never looked back. We're better than this. The response this poor guy has received is embarrassing. It's like asking somebody if they like your new pants and they laugh, call you a fag and kick you in the crotch. Let's stop kicking this guy in the crotch.
Welcome aboard, experience is the best teacher. Becareful, expect the unexpected.

This is sincere, I'm not picking on you in any way. If you hadn't already bought the bike, I'd try to talk you out of it because of your age and riding experience. Either age or experience by themselves would be a good enough reason.

You already have it so let's see what we can do to fix the situation. I'm almost betting you don't have a "m"￾ endorsement on you license. If you do not and are stopped riding it (or worse- have an accident) , you will be treated by the police like you have no license at all.

The laws vary by state, maybe some on from Illinois can chime in with details. In most states taking the MSF course will exempt you from the riding portion of the exam. But more so, the MSF course will teach you some basic skills which can very easily save your life. (Disclaimer - I am a MSF instructor) I STRONGLY suggest parking the bike and not riding it until you complete the course for a couple reasons. 1, you are developing bad habits. It is easier to teach correct techniques than it is to break a bad habit and the retrain with the correct technique. 2, you stand a very high chance of having another drop/accident. The class is not perfect. It does not mean you walk out with a certificate and you are ready to ride. I've been riding 36-37 years and I'm learning (or try to) each time I ride.

Riding a motorcycle requires a higher number of motor skills than flying an airplane or helicopter. Check into classes and get one scheduled. Prices vary but it will be less than the left side fairing you scuffed. Let the bike set "¦ that will give you the time to fix the damage and have it ready to ride.

Welcome to the Busa community. I want you to stick around as a long term member.

Everyone here has heard this but I'll say it again.

There are two types of riders...those that have fallen and those that are going to. Some of you guys are acting like jerks. Lay off the guy.
Everyone here has heard this but I'll say it again.

There are two types of riders...those that have fallen and those that are going to. Some of you guys are acting like jerks. Lay off the guy.
+1 I couldnt help but feel sorry for the poor guy. Just bought a new busa, lays it down, gets hurt and he only weighs 140#...I'm 200# in good shape and had a hard time picking mine up after my son leaned on it.

Can you imagine how he felt on the corner of that street having to pick his brand new bike up that out weighs him 4 to 1.

I'm just glad he didn't cus us out and leave and never log on here again. Thats what I would have done!

shame on some of us.