Dumbest thing you've done on a bike

Stupidest thing i ever done? When i first got my busa i rode 90 or so miles in 50 degree weather in a sweatshirt. Wind chill factor, probably 30-. When i made it to get the bike it was sunny and warmish out. I thought i could make the round trip before nightfall.

I was wrong! Within the first 20 miles of the trip i pulled over at a gas station and tried to find a towing company to tow the bike home for me. I was in the deep country so noboby wanted to come get me. I warmed up a little and hit the road. By the time i made it within 30 miles of new orleans, my hands and knees where so numb and frozen i thought i was going to fall off the bike.

I have never and will ever ride a motorcycle in cold weather again!
... I tried and tried but for some reason I was helpless as a little baby (but getting madder and more frustrated by the second). I kept wondering how many hours it would take for this bike to cool off enough that I could get leverage off the exhaust. I was contorted under the bike and I just COULD NOT MOVE.

Finally, a neighbor happened to drive by, saw my predicatment and stopped to lift the bike off me....


That's such a great mental picture. I can just imagine your neighbor doing a double take seeing your lower half sticking out from under the bike like the wicked witch in The Wizard of Oz

At least you didn't have all the oil on ya too.
About 8 years ago or so I had a Suzuki DR650 Dual-Sport bike. I was riding with some friends when we got stuck behind this guy going real slow. Well I got impatient waiting for a good place to pass so I decided to pass him on the right in the grass! I passed him probably doing about 50mph in the grass. It became known as "The Pass in the Grass!".:laugh:

Another time while riding my Honda VFR down the interstate this car and this truck were stuck side by side for what seemed like miles. They just would not let one another go by. So me being impatient again decided to pass both of them on the shoulder. I must have blew by them doing about 130mph.

Im sure I was getting cursed at on both occasions but it sure was fun!:cheerleader:
Haven't really owned the 'busa long enough to claim I've done something stupid on it, hopefully that event will never occur. :) I used to have a Honda 954RR though and I can think of 2 occasions where I was pretty lucky. I try to make it a habit to be safe and smart, but there are those times where it just happens and luckily the outcome wasn't career suicide for me.

I had some buddies come into town from Texas and they aren't bike people at all so they not knowing any better were egging me on to do something "cool". I had refrained for about 3 days. Well the last day they were in town......ha, there wasn't anyone on this particular part of the road we were traveling and they were in their truck and I on the bike heading to get some food and there was a hill coming up, so I thought I'd zoom past them and if I only had one wheel on the ground then so be it. Ahead and in the left lane there they were cruising along in the truck and lagging behind in the right lane was me down shifting into 3rd gear...as I rolled onto it pretty good I topped the hill and up came the wheel so I decided to ride it out for a little bit before I slowed. Wouldn't ya know it, on the other side of the hill was a squad car coming the opposite direction. DOH! Here's where the luck comes in...I'm fairly confident that he/she didn't even see me due to the truck blocking his/her view as I went by my buddies in the truck, but boy did they think it was cool. I hope there won't be a next time.

2nd time I was returning home from a friends house which involved me getting onto an interstate for a short while. It was about 2am, long straight interstate, & NO ONE on the road (yea i know...wildlife in the wings maybe). I just felt like letting her talk to me so off I went.... In 5th gear before I let off the speedo read 174mph as I was nearing a curve ahead, so I went ahead and shut it down and back to the speed limit. Low & behold as I round the corner there are 4 highway patrol cars, all lights blaring, with some individual pulled over on the opposite side of the freeway. I breathed a sigh of relief and kept an eye on my six to see if any of them were headed my way...whew, thank god.

My story was much too foolish to speak of. It involved Bullfrog's, soda's, parked vehicles, wheelies, motocross jumping of a Busa, and my body flying through the air. Much to graphic and idiotic to go into details.
I had a 1986 Honda VF1000R fully restored in my garage at our old house in Dallas. Next to the bike was my newly restored Porsche 911 Turbo slantnose. I needed a can of paint off a shelf above the bike - no problem, stand on pegs, get paint & dismount bike. Well that would have been too easy & I wouldn't be typing this & getting pissed off thinking about it again. I shifted my weight wrong & bike (630 pounds dry) falls over w/ me into the right rear fender flair braking the fairing on the nose of the bike & putting a nice dent in the fender. I was so mad I couldn't talk - my Wife actually picked the bike up off the car. DAMN THAT SUCKED. Back to the shop they both went...AGAIN.

Photo of bike attached, I will try to find one of the Porsche.

Years and years ago,

I drank alot.
And rode alot.
And got away with it.

I tell everyone about it,...
...not to brag,
but to get the scoldings I deserve,
and earn the right to demand others not do what I've done.
Well...during my first 3 months on a bike....riding the DUC. I was coming up to the light and "grabbed" the front brakes as hard as I could....let's just say I am very happy I am not a boy, as I very possibly would have castrated myself....:whistle:
When I was 16 I had a Honda 175 & a really hot GF. It was winter, like now! & I thought I would go see this girl for some reason :whistle: It was really cold outside, but being as smart as I am I figured that I could creep up behind this big 18 wheeler & let him break the wind for me. This brainstorm was really working good until.... suddenly OMG a deer emerged from between his wheels like 4 feet in front of me & I had like 1/100 of a millisecond to lock my arms before launching through the gore pile & bouncing like 4 feet into the air. Do not tailgate, if it were not for good luck that would have been a very bad day :laugh: Man I miss that babe.
This one might not be as funny or unusual as the others but I think it takes the cake for stupidity. I took my sister in-law on a ride on my 800 Vulcan. I thought it would be cool to let her ride. No big deal - if I'm on the back and I tell her to just touch the throttle, what could go wrong? There was no traffic.

I let the clutch out for her and got the bike rolling. Up the hill we went, throttle open just a crack, back and forth we weave - she's holding the bars like they were a feather - the bike is steering its self. I grabbed the clutch and pulled it in but not far enough to disengage because Krissy's fingers were under it. "OUCH!" Ouch my ass, let go of the grip. I let the clutch out slow but of course the engine raced and the bike lurched, she didn't know to let the the throttle go either. We went off the road at ~8 mph and rolled over in the ditch which was all wet grass. No bike damage, Krissy had a muffler burn and a bleeding earlobe from her earring getting pulled.

I was an idiot. What if she did steer? She didn't have a clue how to stop! I guess we were lucky to dump it how we did. Don't bother telling how many dumbass things I did there.. I know. Never again.

Let a girl I liked talk me into letting her ride the scooter.
I got off and let her on and instructed her for about a second before she tore off and went straight into a tree.
I really thought basic instinct would kick in before she went head on into it but nooooooooo! right smack dab into the tree full front.
I was really upset - I loved that scoot.
There are way too many to count, hows about everytime I get home and think ... " boy was that ever stupid! "

#3 I was heading up may fav road in Hawaii and this dumbazz in front of me in an old beater car is playing games in the twisties... I know this road like the back of my hand and around the next corner is a short straight, however it is a double yellow. It has a very slight crest, so I stand up in the saddle to make sure no cars are comin toward us... I down shift, grab a bunch of throttle, pull out to pass and guess what? ... there is a stinkin Honda Civic low rider I couldnt see comin right at me and I am side x side with the jalopy I am passing... I am doin about 80 mph and no time to back off! I simply split lanes and I have the Honda inches to my left, the beater car inches to my right... after about 15 minutes as I continued my ride I thought... that was so cool but so stupid.

#2 I was in Deer Lodge Mt. ( a hell hole ) Me and my buddy had been riding all day on Harleys, headed back to Seattle after a 10 day journey. It was getting dark and quite literaly the deer were everywhere off of I-90. We pull into this lil town find a c-rap motel, we jump on the scoots and head to the watering hole. We were only like a 1/4 mile from the motel ( we shoulda walked ) about 3 hours and 5 pictures later we were too drunk to ride but couldnt leave the bikes there... I rode back to the motel about 12 mph and was just thankful we didnt get caught. Boy that was stupid ... :whistle:

#1 Drum role plz ... The number 1 stupidest thing I ever did on a motorcycle is ...
Loop my baby about 200 miles from home! That sucked! DONT BE STOOO-PED!!! ???

Miscfrom-laptop 042.jpg
90 in a residential on a modded to the nutz VFR 750, it was my first bike, I was 21, and I only had it 5 days. . . See signature, I got what I deserved..

SMARTEST thing- I was wearing a helmet, and have ever since.:beerchug:
Hmmm, let's see...:laugh::laugh:

Got hit by a cage in Aug of 83. (that hurt.)

Got hit by a truck in Oct 85. ( that sucked )

Then get hit by another cage in Dec 05. ( That was just uncalled for )

Everything else I've ever done on my motorcycles, is well justified and explainable :thumbsup:
Trust too much of my mechanic and done alot of stupid things 1 of those is to remove my counter balancer:whistle: