Dumped it this morning.

Hello MCfly :poke: it might be time to go to the ER and get seen if you can't get in at the Doc man if the Vicoden did not help the pain that much there is possibly something very wrong
I'm not about to go to ER and I'm still alive. What're they going to do, take some x-rays and give me some pain pills?

My only reason for going to any doctor at all is to get rid of the pain of the wiff grinding me up about it. (I love you, honey! :poke: :D ) To her credit, she did a wonderful job of taking care of me last night!

Left side under rib cage - spleen. That can kill ya.

Shoulder pain sounds spinal.

Pains will take days to show up.

Just go to the ER. Rule out internal injuries.
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Oh you said left shoulder - that indicates ruptured spleen.
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Wag I hope you've changed your mind about the ER...
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dude, get to the doctor if you are in that much pain...it may not be anything serious but it isn't worth taking that kind of chance...just get it checked out to make sure you aren't bleeding out internally and are fixing to fall over dead (did i make that serious enough :laugh:) some of the folks around here might miss you :beerchug:
I'm not about to go to ER and I'm still alive.

thinking like that can kill

dude, get to the doctor if you are in that much pain...it may not be anything serious but it isn't worth taking that kind of chance...just get it checked out to make sure you aren't bleeding out internally and are fixing to fall over dead (did i make that serious enough :laugh:) some of the folks around here might miss you :beerchug:

From the Mayo Clynic.com
A ruptured spleen is typically caused by a blow to the left upper abdomen or the left lower chest. Sporting mishaps, fist fights and car accidents are common triggers. An injured spleen may rupture soon after the abdominal trauma or, in some cases, days or even weeks after the injury.
Wag you need to go get checked out ASAP. Go to a walk-in clinic or ER.

As for the gremlin bells, they're only to ward off mechanical breakdowns. Suzukis are not prone to mechanical problems. Harley riders REQUIRE the help. :laugh:
I'd go see the doc.
I wouldn't let him do anything without a second opinion, but if 2 of them agree, it is probably right.
Better safe than sorry.
some of the folks around here might miss you :beerchug:

Well, that's debatable, but I can think of one! :laugh:

As a matter of fact, I did go to the ER. I'm typing from a hospital room at the moment. The web connection here is only 20% as fast as I have at home. Bummer. Oh, well, the tragedies of life! (That was a JOKE for those of you who didn't catch that! :D )

Call me if you like. I'm bored to tears. 505.222.2336. My room number is 336.

Okay, the update.

Yesterday, I was reading this thread and a couple of you said something about a ruptured spleen. I was a work, of course, and started reading up on the web for more details. I'm the kinda dude who needs details and needs a convincing reason to do anything, especially if it's unpleasant and more especially if it has to do with medical crap. I hate going to the doctor and I hate missing work.

The stuff I read made me a lot nervous but not especially so. The line about the spleen not rupturing for a few days is, I have learned, not true. I read that on several sites. What happens is that in the confusion of dealing with several injuries, the spleen gets missed, that's all. However, the mortality rate from spleen injuries is as high as 25% and it is 100% preventable if discovered in time. Get that? 100%. That, among a couple of other factoids motivated me to drive myself down and check in to the ER.

Fact is, yesterday, as the day went on, the symptoms weren't getting any better but by the same token, they weren't getting any worse. After I got here to the hospital, I've actually started to feel better. Go figure.

The docs ordered X-rays for my shoulder and an ultrasound of the abdomen. It showed fluid build up so they ordered a CT scan. That turned up the laceration. Apparently, it isn't all that severe but worth keeping an eye on.

The spleen helps you fight infection so if I can keep mine, I'd be better off. They can do some repairs on it if the damage isn't too bad but I'm hoping it will be fine in the next little while.

Up until last night, all my blood work was just fine. They checked my blood this morning at about 5:00 and it was starting to drop off hence their decision to keep me for the day and check it again this afternoon. It's a waiting game now, of course. Bleah.

The wiff brought (ow!) . . .

My lovely wife brought me a book I'm reading and the laptop. There is a wireless connection here. I can direct some work at the office from here. I should be able to keep from being too bored.

If you commandos out there want to come and rescue me, I'm all for it! :D

Regardless, at least I won't die. I hope. :D



P.S. I love you all!!!
Glad you didn't wait, I was worried you'd try to tough it out. By now you know why.

Rest up and feel better.
Hope your wife is feeling better too, I'm sure she was quite concerned.
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Glad to hear that it not more serious, just stay in there until you are better and read the book your lovely wife bought for you.
By the way, it wasn't one of those "self help and how to be a better husband books" was it? :rofl::rofl:
get well soon, want to meet you in Reno :thumbsup:
Glad to hear that it not more serious, just stay in there until you are better and read the book your lovely wife bought for you.
By the way, it wasn't one of those "self help and how to be a better husband books" was it? :rofl::rofl:
get well soon, want to meet you in Reno :thumbsup:

LMMFAO!!!! No, it's a book about Einstein, but thanks for the immense gratification of the humor! I'm going to die laughing before I die of anything else! :D

Frankly, I think the wiff is suffering more than me. My typing is suffering. Using a laptop in your lap really blows.

Thank you all for your well wishes and for pushing my stubborn a$$ to take care of myself!

Sorry Wag. Glad you got some medical treatment and was wearing your gear!
Wag Glad to see you went to the Doc man. I feel the same way in regards to the doc I hate going man but some time we have to suck up the tough guy mentallity and just go I know after my wreck in 2006 how important it is to go just for the simple fact it is just piece of mind for the Family. Glad to hear all is well with you :beerchug: