Dyno results for \'99 \'busa

OB_Dirty Pete

That's good news Pooh. My Akra's in the mail from Cyclestuff now. I'll make damn sure to only ride the bike in cool dense air from now on!
Sorry just got a bit more 170.0bhp sae corrected on our Dynojet dyno.The PC2 seems to have added between 3-5bhp from approx 5000rpm to 9000 where it begins to tapper to 0.5 bhp of gain.This is truely awesome the bike before yours was a Busa with a Yoshi system on it and it only made 158.5bhp.This figure is similar to my own bike that ran 161bhp with a Yosh is the AKRAPOVIC that much better?
The printer should be fixed tomorrow see ya then.
Gasabusa has been installing some mods on my bike, the dyno results if anybody is interested are as follows:-

Standard (700 miles) = 157.2 rwhp
Akro + airbox mod = 177.0 (corrected to 169.5)

The PCII will be installed today along with the Brock clutch mod. As soon as Gasabusa gets his printer sorted I'll post the charts.

Dirty Pete:- I suspect that you'll be very pleased with your new Akro pipe after seeing the gains achieved....not the mention the rather delightful sound.....

[This message has been edited by pooh (edited 10 February 2000).]
My bullshite warning light flashed on, then I saw the other number and it went back off. That does seem to be a very effective pipe.
MH:- The air temp was quite low (50's) at the time making the air denser and therefore more power...or so I'm told.