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I got similar results, using stock air filter element, and cutting "floor" just enough for it to still have contact with stock air filter. Cut with hot knife, so no chips. Have 163 uncorrected @ 79 deg. air temp.
If anyone receives their BMC from Yosh let us know so I'll know mine is coming soon. It's been ordered for quiet a while now. Yosh sent an email after I ordered saying 6 weeks. Seems like its been almost that long?
Thanks for your input Bob. I haven't forgotten your original postings on this topic from last summer either.
Cycle Stuff, I will be arriving in daytona on the 9th. still interested in the mikuni parts, just decided to wait till after daytona. Will you have the parts there? how can we meet?
Todd-Omega--Hang in there. I am also unsure of the mod and have both a stock air box and a modified one with a BMC. Micron/Pc2 also. I jumped the gun and cut my box BEFORE my first runs on the Superflow w/ 2000 miles on the bike.

Chicago was 66 Thursday, 72! Friday and its 66 again today so I will be out of here after this post.

I believe the bike pulls harder down low with the stock air box(flapper) and BMC than with the modified. I swapped yesterday.

I will be visiting the dyno soon (couple weeks)again. This dyno is a Superflow 250 with dual drum driven fans for ram air(faster the drum spins the more CFM). When the rains finally come later today i will scan my earlier ram air runs showing the
impact the air has with an overlay of both runs. 11 hp.

Anyway, I will, the same day, install both boxes and see what happens. My guess is better top end with a loss down low for the modified, which is fine for many of you. Not me. I want the biggest flatest torque curve possible. Hope I'm wrong.

Omega--Dynojet told me the same thing--"stay away from the mod and put a filter in."

Warm again!!----HAYABUSA AWAY!!
Me too buddy, 79 here today. Drop me a mail note at ( I want to discuss some issues.
I think every one should get in touch with TWM Induction at and purchase a Halmeter, 30 LED AIR FUEL RATIO METER with harness and 3 wire oxygen sensor. Drive around for a while and see what the stock bike's air/fuel parameters look like while accelerating through the gears. Now when you guys do any mods, you'll see what's happening exactly at any given RPM. Use the PC-II or Yosh Box to adjust back to factory safe mixtures or modify while knowing what the hell is going on in the real world at speed under load, your LOAD!, the person who's riding the bike. P.S. When you contact TWM, tell them Michael from Panicci TurboSports in Long Island sent you.

[This message has been edited by Coltbusaturbo (edited 27 February 2000).]
busa -

What was the RWHP with the simulated ram air using the stock box? Were the other mods (exhaust) the same with the stock air box simulated ram air run?

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 27 February 2000).]
Frank Adams, every day that you ride your bike without the filter, your horsepower is diminishing until eventually it will start smoking because your rings and cylinder walls will be wiped out!!! Do you think the 1 or 2 hp that you're making with your set up is worth it? P.S. I've been tuning high performance cars for years with AIR FUEL RATIO METERS. Check out the website and read the information about the HALMETER.
I'm using the exact Halmeter in my turbo car with 3 wire O2 sensor and it's not very accurate as far as small changes are concerned. It swings back and forth unless under full throttle and then it's usually rich unless conditions become so lean it's too late anyway. I can be more detailed in my assessment if the need arises. My dual EGT gauges are a lot better as far as tuning and even they aren't ideal. There are supposed to be some aftermarket O2 sensors that are better for use with the Haltech - or so I've heard.

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 27 February 2000).]
I build race cars for a living, and my experience is that even with a race-pack computer monitering EGT of every cylinder, and the fel-pro computer monitering a 5 wire O2 sensor at the end of each pass we pull the plugs and look at them. we still have not found a better tuning device!
Todd, The Halmeter is one of the most accurate out there. In making a chip with a company Rhode Island, I installed a HALMETER in the car I built. The company opted to use an $8000.00 Horiba exhaust gas analyzer in combination with mine. To make a long story short, the Halmeter was responding faster and was more user friendly. He disconnected the Horiba and we used the Halmeter.
i did the mods on the air box cause i can. im not worried too much about the filter being six layers of screen. i ran velosity stacks on my gsx1100 for about 2 years and never had a problen with it. and yes i did take the motor apart and it looked great. keep up with the oil changes and that will help. also, the airbox mod is something that can be converted back to the bmc filter, minus the flapper valve. i did this so everyone would get an idea on the mod and results of the mod. also because i just so happen to have a lot of time on my hands at this point in time. there are many points u could argue on about this, so it just comes down to preference. either do it or dont do it. nothing to lose sleep over.
well said.
i run a gutted filter for racing purposes 99%
and the BMC for the long rides. i dont know about you but i dont walk around with a filter over my mouth.
I have to totally agree with MNBusa, in my case. And with Frank's post right below MNBusa's. I DID break my piggy bank to get this bike. I can afford it, along with all the basic things to make it safe and secure, to maintain it, and to ride it as much as I want. But I can't afford to replace it if I screw it up or blow it up, so it will stay pretty much stock for now. It's such a big step up from my old bike that I'm not really hungry to tweak it anyway. They are set up pretty well for reliability and long wear from the factory, and compared to anything else ever produced this thing is a hot rod right off the showroom floor. Good topic!
You're not alone Bear. I can wait, watch and listen as others do the dirty work while I save up for the most efficient, economical and reliable mods. I already bought a nice set of low mile slip-ons for less than half price just by being patient.(poor) :)
Imahack--The 1/4 mile is a good gauge. Did you do this same day?
Did you have a BMC filter in either the modified and/or the stock for some passes?

Its encouraging news if your 1/4 mile traps increased if the only change was the cut box.
I posted the ramair vs, non RA at Labusas today if anyone is interested