Dyno tuned!

Good numbers, I can't wait to get my P.C this winter
The shop scanned it sideways and I can not rotate it with this version of adobe, go figure.


(Cblast @ Jul. 10 2007,12:07) Hey Heavy, how ya been? Yup, that tune was worth every penny. If I had known what a huge difference this would have made I would have done it first. It now feels just like silk up and down the gears.

you talked me into it bro, got my base line done (3 full throttle roll ons in 4th gear to red line) came in at 154.57 on and SAE dyno.

Thats with a 2001 stock engine, yosh slip ons, K&N filter, 87 octane, and G-Pak TRE (yeah whats a TRE)

Should get tuned by the end of next week.

Definetly looking forward to it.
Man, that is a great Baseline, that thing is going to STOMP!  

The biggest difference has been in that ability to get on the throttle so much sooner now coming out of the corners.   The improved smoothness and control really allow you to make it rip.  My riding buddies up here that are all on 1k's have said it is like I am on a different bike.  Up until now they would creep away from me in the corners and I would constantly be playing catch up on the straights.  No it is me who is creeping away after the apex due to being able to put down so much more torque with confidence and then I am in the right rpm range to flat dissapear on the straights.  I know that on a track they would have a huge advantage, but with the fairly sweeping corners on the street and the more conservative attack mode, this thing has become a vapor trail.
Very cool.

I really hope this smooths out my low rpms and helps with that light switch (on/off) throttle.
Cblast great numbers!! Have you downloaded the map for your Power Commander? I looked at the custom map for mine and compared it to busa maps from the Power Commander website. My map is almost a night and day difference from anything on the site.
I know custom maps are well worth the money but I was expecting the PC website map to be a little similar. IMO don’t get a power commander unless you get a custom map.
Yes, I uploaded the map to my laptop and used the compare map feature to look at the new map VS. the map I had downloaded from the site and there was a huge difference all across the board. I am very pleased with the new feel and the way the bike puts down the power now. Kwakers better get out the way!
Hi Cblast,

I have a similar bike (06 busa,red/black though) and where i live (brazil) we have no dyno's available (not a single bike shop has it). The best i can do is keep almost blindingly using a power commander website's map and tweak it here and there, and go for a test ride. This is not much effetive, and i am sure give my limited knowledge on tunning a motor with a power commander, i won't get very far...

My bike has exactly the same mods yours do, except that the slip-ons are Two Bros, not Akrapovics.

Now i know you must have paid for your custom map, and it is money well invested, but would you be a good samaritan and hook this third world Busa owner with the map you have so i can try it on mine and see if that makes it behave a little like yours?

Mine pulls a lot harder and wheelies like crazy after the power commander even with a default website map, but it lacks the sensivity and control on the throttle that you just described!

I appreciate if you can do that! Email is giulianocarioca@hotmail.com
