I have the Boostbysmith flasher, and have no experience with the Woolrich.
Just flash the B-King ecu as a Busa. It'll give you a message that it's a different ecu and do you want to proceed. Click yes, as the ecu's are physically the same, only the bin file itself is different. You can also put it back to a B-King at any time.
Then go in to the Busa bin and click Enable Smart TRE and disable top speed limiter(check one box and it does both).
Remove the fuel soft cut. Change fan on/off temp if you want in Advanced Settings, 5 degree incraments.
Set STP fueling to 100% in every cell in every gear.
Set STP opening rate, copy/paste 1st/5th map to the other gears.
You also must click "Enable B-King Guages" in Advanced Settings.
That's it.
You won't get an FI light for the midpipe exhaust valve either, as the Busa/Busa bin doesn't have it.
Remove the cables from the midpipe valve(and the servo too if you want), the valve's spring will
hold it in it's most open position with them disconnected. I went back and removed the butterfly tself from the midpipe(needs shaft opening tig welded).