ECU flashing a B King

I have a stock King with 2 brothers cans installed. The bike seems to pull harder than my 04LE the way it is now. Would flashing the ECU give more get up and go?

I have a stock King with 2 brothers cans installed. The bike seems to pull harder than my 04LE the way it is now. Would flashing the ECU give more get up and go?


Yes, a lot. The stock Bking is a slug compared to flashed as a gen2 Busa with it's restrictions removed.
Any suggestions where to get this done? I live in the Chicago area.

I flash them free for members if you want it done.
I've done 4 Bkings and 16 or 18 gen2 Busas in the last 3 years or so.
I'de remove the exhaust valve in the midpipe, or at least remove the servo and cables that operate it too.
With the Busa bin file flashed to the ecu you won't get an FI light either.
That would be awesome. Can I just disconnect the cables from the servo and leave it that way? And, it's good to see a fellow Christian on the forum!

That would be awesome. Can I just disconnect the cables from the servo and leave it that way? And, it's good to see a fellow Christian on the forum!


Yes it is sir! There are quite a few of us here.
Yes you can just disconnect the servo cables, but there's an easier way.
The valve in the exhaust pipe is either nearly completely closed, or vertical in the pipe(or anywhere in between).
If you disconnect the cables the valve's spring holds it in it's most open position.
There is a sequence of cycling the ignition key that will open the valve completely and leave it that way indefinitely(unless battery is disconnected). The sequence is somewhere on, I'll post it here later if I can find it again.
If you or someone you know can tig weld, it's easy to just remove the valve out of the pipe, as it is large enough to restrict flow.
If you want your ecu flashed send me a pm. I flash them the day I get them and they go back out the next morning.
I plug it in, load the settings I have saved(stock a/f map too), wait about 4 1/2 minutes for the flash to load, done. Back in the box on it's way.
I have the Boostbysmith flasher, and have no experience with the Woolrich.
Just flash the B-King ecu as a Busa. It'll give you a message that it's a different ecu and do you want to proceed. Click yes, as the ecu's are physically the same, only the bin file itself is different. You can also put it back to a B-King at any time.
Then go in to the Busa bin and click Enable Smart TRE and disable top speed limiter(check one box and it does both).
Remove the fuel soft cut. Change fan on/off temp if you want in Advanced Settings, 5 degree incraments.
Set STP fueling to 100% in every cell in every gear.
Set STP opening rate, copy/paste 1st/5th map to the other gears.
You also must click "Enable B-King Guages" in Advanced Settings.
That's it.
You won't get an FI light for the midpipe exhaust valve either, as the Busa/Busa bin doesn't have it.
Remove the cables from the midpipe valve(and the servo too if you want), the valve's spring will
hold it in it's most open position with them disconnected. I went back and removed the butterfly tself from the midpipe(needs shaft opening tig welded).

Hi mate

Do you still flash the B-King ECU? I've been searching everywhere for someone to do it and cannot find anyone, I live up in Scotland where it seems nobody has heard of flashing B-Kings