Emergency FlightCare (Enloe) (Busa Stampede)

This is one ride I dont plan on taking but just in case ... :satisfied:

- Kent
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Stampede attendees:

For any of you who were interested in the Emergency Flight Care plan, please contact Enloe at Enloe Medical Center or 630-322-7300 and give them this code to sign up for the insurance at the Group Rate:


The insurance should run you $30.

Let me know if you have any issues. :beerchug:

Special shout to NorCal Riders for allowing us to piggy-back (oink) on your group! :beerchug:
Lamb wants in..............................waiting for further info........................patiently waiting to spend his money...........................................on this awesome bit of security noone should be without..............................................$30.00 or $10,000? hmmm................................................lots of areas in the sierra nevadas are very remote............................................................very remote!

Let me tell you it IS NOT $10,000.

My Dad went down on Monitor Pass, Hwy 89, a road Stampede attendees will likely ride. If'n they aren't afraid of tar snakes.

He was flown out on 7-17-10 to Reno. The bill came in at $37,200 and change.

I've checked with my HMO I'm covered for such an event, otherwise I would be all over the $30.00 deal.

I'll tell you what, if you go down on one of the mountain roads, the helicopter is in the air when 911 is called. The on scene personel are unlikely to cancel it, unless you refuse transport or maybe have just a little road rash. If you need to go to the ER you will all most surely be flown out.
Carlos...I believe so.

I have a pHOON number you can call.
