Emergency Surgery- warning: gore, not child safe

Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!! I hope there isn't any pain right now! Heal fast! :)
Ouch! I thought shooting a nail through my finger was bad... Dayum - sorry Bob! :down: Hope the meds help and you heal up quickly!
Man, pinch and bight points can be danagerous. Most times we never realize we are in them, till to late. Sorry to see but a finger is better than a complete body part...Heal Up...
Yikes, you need one of those "undo buttons"! fingers hurt for a while... Take care of it. Speedy recovery:please:
Ow. Damn. Coulda been worse bro. Coulda been a digit you'd REALLY miss... Sorry it happened. Heal up quick
Thanks Omar , Meds aren't working to well right now .

Ask them if they will also give you Vistaril along with the meds. When I had my ACL done, pain meds didn't do a thing for me; they added Vistaril along with 'em...told me it enhances the effectiveness of the meds.... Took 2 pill along with the meds...worked very nicely! :thumbsup: