engine bogging down


i have a 2000 busa. Crashed it bout 7 months ago just got it back together. it sat at wrecker yard for 1 month with fabric cover over bike. finally got all plastics and accesories together. It does not start unless i jump the battery. if i jump it it starts up and will start again within hour or so but after that battery dead. Im sure i need a new battery but the major problem im having is when i pull the throttle it bogs down sturdders like its choked out. I can play with the throttlhe slowly and it will eventually rev up hard. from dead idle ill crack the throttle up hard and it will stall out completely. if i let throttle go it will come back to idle if it does no die out first. I pulled plugs out they dont look to baddd. Strapped for cash right now i do work on my own bike so im hoping i can fix it. Any buds out there have any ideas or know where i can start???? I m in process of using injectors /gas mixture but dont know yet if its that. Also noticed when im riding and get off throttle got hell of backfiring going on>>>??:banghead:
You've got a vacuum hose connected wrong or disconnected entirely.

Im guessing we are talking bout lines that connect underneath air filter box?? i believe got three of them or maybe two?
i had just purchased a 04' Busa. i had installed a full Brocks Megaphone street smart system and a PC. I did the air box mod and installed P.A.I.R block-off plates...The problem im having is; the bike cuts off when on the throttle hard and when just riding at normal speeds..it cuts off and on with 1 to 1/2 a second in between. NEED HELP! PLEASE!