Entered my 1st bike show w/01 blue/silver

I was a little shocked at 209 myself. I know I had some work done with some changes but I would have guessed 202 +/-. My custom gauges only show 185 so it wasnt indicated thats for sure. It's only good for the local set rep anyway but I was just happy takin second place in the show. I dont think I have the nerve to get on a highway and try it many more times. Just cant afford to loose all the labor and luv that went into the bike to wreck tryin a stunt.

You've got a beautiful bike bro!! Congratulations on your 2nd place win....do you think you'll try anymore shows or is it out of your system now? If yes...are there any mods your thinking about doin to help you at the next show?

Way to go man...we're all proud of you here!!

Rock on!!

I was a little shocked at 209 myself.  I know I had some work done with some changes but I would have guessed 202 +/-.  My custom gauges only show 185 so it wasnt indicated thats for sure.  It's only good for the local set rep anyway but I was just happy takin second place in the show.  I dont think I have the nerve to get on a highway and try it many more times.  Just cant afford to loose all the labor and luv that went into the bike to wreck tryin a stunt.

186 is quite the magic number, but 200...... thats just the cream of the crop. Amazing run
Way to go!

I wouldn't have the ballz to go nearly that fast. My bikes top speed will probably be a mystery for years to come.