Epic movies/series - whats your favorite(s)

The Samurai Trilogy 1955 Musashi Miyamoto (Toshiro Mifune)

i just have to say that the best show on the planet would have to be dexter bar none. i mean i havent been so conected with a serial killer in my life:rofl:

and plus he works for the cops. i mean come on who can even hold a candle to that plot line it makes me do this ---> :thumbsup:

"The Quiet Man" - John Wayne Or any of several of his movies.
Recent Series : Stranger Things, Power, Empire, Sparticus, Game of Thrones.
Older: Millenium, Brimstone,(Good Series but disappointing because they axed it after one season) and Twin Peaks starring Kyle Maclachlan. (Also one season only)
I haven't owned a TV since 1997 but back then, Ioved the Highlander series on Fox then totally in reruns. It's a little hokey now but I have all six seasons on DVD. Now I need a DVD player because they are almost obsolete.

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Series: Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones...tough to chose. I watched all 9 seasons of Little House on the Prairie last year too lol. Winter is long here :(
Movie: Fight Club rates right up there, True Romance is really good too. There are sooo many good movies.
Of the newer series I like Power, Snowfall, The Deuce (Mini series), Walking Dead and Fear of the Walking Dead (starting to get old though). I was watching the old Manix series until I lost METV. He drove a green Cuda', Dodge Challenger and then went to a Camaro. Other old ones are the Invaders, and Combat.

Movies - there are so many great movies. A couple of my old favorites are the Terminator series (waiting for the new one). The Good Bad and the Ugly ( I liked the relationship between Tuco (Eli Wallach) and Blondie (Clint Eastwood).
You want to watch a great series??? I came across Banshee on youtube. Very violent but simply outstanding and absurd at the same time. I'd like to watch the whole series instead of just the outtakes.
Pulp Fiction was a 90s classic

"Who's motorbike is it"
"who's Zed"
" Zeds dead baby Zeds dead"


plus the Travolta's drug driving looks so good - you almost want to get a fix :D
